Just In
for Jaune's Frozen surprise

1/28/2021 c1 1Mayor Hawkeye
can you do a chapter where Jaune gives Winter the D.
7/1/2019 c1 IROCK108
5/6/2019 c1 Guest
I was excited. Then that took a dive. I thought it was a joke but no, it was actually happening. Futa ain’t my shit.
2/10/2018 c1 Rebmul
this so needs more
9/22/2017 c1 WesB
My blessings will be with you all the way, I hope your mother and family will push past these endeavors and climb to a greater hope. I wish you my best of luck
9/22/2017 c2 Rebmul
well I hope things get better
7/25/2017 c1 4Kc4229
Damn good story, disappointing it was a one shot but really well written good work!
6/14/2017 c1 Adol116
Good story looking forward to the next chapter
6/2/2017 c1 2Rubia97
This continues to be the cutest thing I've ever read <3
4/1/2017 c1 BBWulf
... I'd like to see even one of these where Jaune gives as good as he gets. -_-
3/22/2017 c1 1Command8
Now this is good shit, keep going!
3/19/2017 c1 theawsomest5
Again another awesome story but is this a one shot or what just curious.
3/19/2017 c1 8Writerofthelostsoul
I don't know whether to slap you making me put my other story on hold. Or kiss you for inspiring me so much. But I'll be damned if I wasn't going to write a new story you inspired.
3/19/2017 c1 6Emperor KingPerby
I like the story, but I wonder if you guys couldn't do a jaunexwinter gov that's straight ( except winter likes it up her bum)
3/18/2017 c1 Gabriel H. Sapphire
MMMM "PLOT" RULZ. Also, lol, you really did add that part Blaisingfire.
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