Just In
for Jaune's Frozen surprise

3/18/2017 c1 Staccet
I was excited reading this, then my excitement was taken behind the shed and shot in the back of the head. Futas, not my thing and you got some sentences twice in a row in the text.
3/18/2017 c1 2Xerzo LotCN
that was both cringy and bad to read for me the first part was perfectly fine not cringy at all and really cute but after they woke up that became cringy then over the top futa blaisefuta

oh you also misspelled the title surprise not superise

and idk he might to less smut but id still ask him for it (which is why he did it to begin with) and he still do it but maybe he do less futa if he hadnt gone to you for smut help who knows .. idk but i can hope in some alternate universe he does normal smut when i ask for smut
3/18/2017 c1 ZenithTempest
Please continue this. It's very good.
3/18/2017 c1 Guest
This honesty great up until the Futa was revealed. You can write what you want but don't you feel some obligation to warn somebody? That aside don't let us perterbed nerds keep from makin' more!
3/18/2017 c1 WesB
Nice story. I also like the kind,noble and caring Jaune. Thumbs up
3/18/2017 c1 aswtrvx
Gotta admit. I was a little disgusted when I started reading the futa genre. Emphasis on the word "started". after reading some more stories from blaiseingfire and such. I find them very entertaining and now have zero qualms with these types of stories. This one was good. A little October for winter but you made it implied that she wasn't acting normally. So all in all this was a good read so far. Keep it up.
3/18/2017 c1 Killjoy funny man
This is good
3/18/2017 c1 4Donnard
Less smutty stories the better... yes I just read the authors notes. Wait hold on... if blaiseing is the smut king... does that mean at one point I was the smut king... my life just keeps on changing.
3/18/2017 c1 31blaiseingfire
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