Just In
for Don't Ever Change

10/5/2020 c1 lovlylobster
Wow good start on The story
10/2/2018 c1 9babydoll.MK21
aweee :) i always liked them together.
11/23/2017 c1 5thegothchick67
ah this was really nice and cute! I know it's been a while since you uploaded this but I would love to see you continue it
9/4/2017 c1 2betternatethanlever
Nice idea
Nice writing style
Everything is nice
Hope you update soon but don't rush perfection
5/6/2017 c1 3Nefelibata Nerd
Dude please continue your story it's super amazing and I can see Duncan as a police officer in a weird sort of way and oh my gosh I'm so ready for when when wakes up and realizes that Duncan helped her and is coming over in the morning even if she barfed in her shoes. KUDOS & KEEP WRITING
4/25/2017 c1 Guest
please continue D
4/9/2017 c1 Guest
Good. I like this idea.
I came thinking that there would be more chapters (because I did not look at the details before I started to read) then, I would like a continuation, baby
If possible
3/28/2017 c1 4xandra19
I liked this idea. And I can't imagine to Duncan like a cop.
Continue and good luck with this new story. :)

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