Just In
for Lady Luck

11/7/2017 c26 DashingxRogue
Dark themes all the way. As for character death I'd either vote for no one dying or Chess and Ruby doing some sort of Romeo and Juliet thing where one dies and the other kills them self. Gotta go big or go home.
11/7/2017 c26 Guest
do option 2
11/7/2017 c26 BetwixtOni
Oh mannn look at what yer doing to me i wont choose ill leave it to others to decide.
11/7/2017 c26 The White Grimm
The second
11/7/2017 c26 Guest
I’d like to see them survive.
10/3/2017 c21 1Nagaichi
Didn't see that coming!
10/2/2017 c21 BetwixtOni
Mate i swear dont do me a dirty like this
9/26/2017 c19 The Absolutely Mad Mage
Love Chess and her character. Very good story. Really want more.
9/24/2017 c19 Back to Lurkin
Two things.
1.) I am so happy you're back.
2.) You are the first person other than myself to use Alice Blue as a name.
3.) Potato.
9/22/2017 c18 1PrinceOfDorkness
I wasnt sure what to make of this at first. Turns out i freaking LOVE it.
9/21/2017 c18 UltimateRwbyShipper
I love this story, Neptune is stupid in my opinion as well. :)
You know... I really CHESHIRE this story!
Get it? Cheshire? Treasure? Er... or was it something else? Ehhhhhhhhh yeah? NAILED IT!
9/21/2017 c18 ecoolasice
More please i am intrigued
9/21/2017 c18 1Nagaichi
So glad to see an update. Live the story!
9/20/2017 c18 BaconXLord53
I am so happy you came back! I thought this story was as dead as mine...
9/20/2017 c18 stormingknight
Continue writing, and just go at your own pace. I enjoy stories where the author puts more work into it throughout a longer period of time than setting deadlines for new chapters. Some authors have just set it as a general deadline, not an exact date.
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