Just In
for Dinosaur King Retold

1/29 c77 50God of the Challenge
Has Torch heard about the reclassification of his species yet?
1/20 c77 Kaden Bowdige
I would like to see torch teaching Terry how to master fire scorcher and reduce the stamina drain.
1/3 c77 2Animal Behaviorist
Keep up the Good Work.
1/1 c77 7Harold Godwinson
I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't expecting an update from you till after the start of the new year. Doesn't mean it wasn't worth the wait.

The whole race against time aspect was the winner for me in this battle, and the fact that Salty fought Yeager at the same waterfall where he faught the D-team certainly gave him the win here. As for the alpha trio falling out of the tree that was several stories high, no one should ask how they survived if they could survive going over Niagra falls several times.

Keeping to the alpha gang still, I like how there seems to be a growing change of heart throughout them all. Especially Ursula considering she wanted Pyro and Torch to burn Aki when they invaded Sanjo. As for Maximus and Gigas, I like how they made up in the end.

I'll end this here by saying two things.

How come Ursula didn't respond to the Old lady thing, while Lex responded to the size comments?

And the the bloody hell was the D-team?
1/1 c77 8HunterHQ
Never thought they would return to the Amazon again.

Glad to see the alpha gang have some redeemable parts in them still really they along with their dinos ought to leave before it's too late.

Happy part of my story helped inspire that moment from the DS game.

Now Seth planted his mole/double agent like a hidden parasite or cancer cell within the enemies now to see it unfold in the future. Too bad we didn't see the scene how and when it happened

How come in season 1 the cosmos stones weren't active yet? Or Seth didn't try to make a move on them first?

Given the Tarzan reference imagine like that one episode where dinosaurs still roamed in a hidden isolated world. Like Nessie? Would Seth try to hunt for her? Seen series like Terra Nova or Primeval? Some involve time travel and anomalies bringing in creatures from the past or even the future to the present maybe new enemies exploit time warps (like how the Time Machine brought dinosaurs to the present) and summon dinosaurs to attack people not just simply dino hunts?

Dino stalker, dino crisis, Jurassic the hunted can give ideas? In modern day people can want to resort to using guns as well.

When you see series like x men why should the mutants cower under humans or be mistreated, maybe some can think why should dinosaurs be in hiding or slaves to humans.

Would Seth turn Gigas and the others to cards and reprogram them to be loyal?

Regarding the virus surprised the dinosaurs or the pirates didn't get sick themselves.

Seen series like Terra Nova or Primeval? Some involve time travel and anomalies bringing in creatures from the past or even the future to the present maybe new enemies exploit time warps (like how the Time Machine brought dinosaurs to the present) and summon dinosaurs to attack people not just simply dino hunts?

Dino stalker, dino crisis, Jurassic the hunted can give ideas? In modern day people can want to resort to using guns as well.
12/31/2024 c77 554godamora
I have a bad feeling about the Alpha gang.
12/31/2024 c77 mitchell.gamble.brandy
This is a very good chapter man and I got a feeling the next chapter is going to be suspence when it comes out and I hope they can rescue the Rajasaurus but other than that I hope things go well with you and I wish you luck for now man.
10/31/2024 c1 Vinay-kox01
I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "Dinosaur King Retold" and was truly captivated by your compelling narrative and unique vision. The depth of your story, combined with its striking potential, sparked my imagination, and I believe it would translate beautifully into a comic format.

As a professional commission artist with a passion for storytelling through visual art, I am currently open for new projects. I would love the opportunity to collaborate with you in adapting your story into a comic, where I can bring your characters and world to life with meticulous care and creativity. My goal would be to stay true to the essence of your work while enhancing the emotional impact and immersive experience for readers.

If this is something that piques your interest, I would be thrilled to discuss potential collaboration details, including artistic style, project scope, and pricing, to ensure we can create something truly special together. It would be great if we could discuss this further on Discord my username is [graphic_gold] or X : VKox139175 to exchange ideas more seamlessly.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the possibility of working together on this exciting project.
10/17/2024 c76 matthorserider40
Oh wow I didn’t realize Rachel Lillis died this year
10/14/2024 c76 Guest
Hey, are we all going to ignore the fact that things are good now between D-Team and Zahrah?... Well, mostly Tank and Zahrah, but, you know what I mean.
10/11/2024 c76 60Earth Beast
Genie has been rescue And looks like a three way battle is about to hapen.

And if Seth is working on what I think it is, it could be bad.

Anyway, good luck with your next chapter!

Earth Beast
10/7/2024 c76 554godamora
Glad to see you back. I also saw the reference with the title. And thank you for including the in memory of section.
10/6/2024 c76 50God of the Challenge
I recommend the restaurant business. You get decent pay, and depending on the place, a free meal afterwards.
10/6/2024 c76 8EquestriamonWriter101
So the D-Team have finally saved Genie and he's now free from Seth once and for all!

But buy you've got some plot to explain soon, friction between Gigas, Armatus and Maximus, Brontikens suddenly having a change of heart and Seth using the chips. What is his plan?

But on the other hand I'm glad to see that Max and Rex have finally patched thing up between them.

Looking forward for the next chapter.
10/6/2024 c75 8HunterHQ
Has Dr z tried to steal Seth research for himself so he can become dinosaur king? Surprised he isn’t Worried Seth will outdo him or may even usurp him? Seth did mention Dr Z as the type to steal others’ work after all so he should keep a leash on him?

Wonder if some dinos that don’t want to be involved on either side become spectators or Neutral? Wanting to live their own lives free and wild instead. Rebels to the system.

Right now I see Seth as a builder of a plan with many tools at his disposal. Still it’s his Responsibility to maintain his tools properly to reach that plan. Him being the builder to Shi whom I could see as the architect.

Have to wonder how the rex skeleton has dna and cells after dead for so long, is this like a special dinosaur when alive? Or a random one Seth found. Imagine if Seth will revive an army from the dead. Will this rex have any connection to Terry i wonder, inagine future black dinosaurs.
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