Just In
for Hitter, Hacker, Grifter, Thief, (Mastermind)

4/26/2017 c5 Wanda
I'm really enjoying your stories :-)
4/14/2017 c5 Sonia.Lawson
So Sophie had some old mean British aunt who made her
childhood miserable and turn her into the grifter we all know ?
But I do agree Agnes it's an horrible awful name !
Can't wait for Monday update
4/13/2017 c4 ann.ryce
I enjoyed it. It was cute
4/11/2017 c4 Seattle.hometown
Always good to have p/h stuff out here!
No matter what you write I'll love it
I mean they're married, have kids,still running cons ?!
I can't write (damn me !) so you made my dream come true.
Parker hiding for 3 days,she had to be mad as hell,
Poor Hardison! LMAO !
I would love to read about that !
Please keep writing love love love it
4/11/2017 c4 Aaliyahnewyork
I had such a crappy day but here I am reading this !
Laughing by myself on the train, I love crazy Parker and
the relationship with hardison is so special, what a date!
I'm already intrigued by the next chapter "Agnes" mhm?
Can't wait. Thanks for sharing with us and don't apologize
for being late, the wait is worth it so far !
4/11/2017 c4 Sonia.Lawson
I don't know why but I was sure that this chapter was going to be some kind of boring and cheesy date but hey sweet surprise it was fun and so very much them.
I love the way you describe their relationship
oh and the pretzels thing at the end ?!
p/h fans thank you
4/7/2017 c1 Cali
Leave it to parker&hardison to change the story!
But I'm glad parker's version is her own happy ending
The first chapter was really funny, poor Eliot!
The second one kinda lost of my interest but the last
one is dope ! Can't wait to see what's next
You doing great so far. Keep it up
4/8/2017 c3 ann.ryce
Once again I really enjoyed and the laughs. Thank you
4/7/2017 c3 chelseacarter8
I'm glad you wrote this. It shows how far Parker has come
And that's really one thing I liked about Leverage. I like
how she turned out! Parker's the best and she's really one of the good guy now ! Mastermind, thief, grifter,mum, wife?
I like it and the kids too, bring them back again!
4/7/2017 c3 Sonia.Lawson
You just put a big smile on my face ! I love this one !
I'm in love with the 3kids ( and their names!) smart and very very awake, life must be fun in Leverage headquarters!
I know I request P/H ( stil do) but somehow this is even better
Good job my friend can't wait for the next update
4/6/2017 c2 ann.ryce
I liked this one as well, but wwould like to know how he got away. This is a cliffhanger so you need to pull us back up, please. So glad you're updating twice a week!
4/4/2017 c1 Harker
Is it all gonna be eliot or some parker/hardison too?
I see you paired them so yeah I'm interested in more
If you allow my request
4/4/2017 c1 Sonia.Lawson
Can I request Parker/Hardison please ?
4/4/2017 c2 ardnaseel
The characters name was "Moreau" not "Moroe".
4/3/2017 c2 9Tacodestroyeravenger
This was really good.
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