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for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

4/26/2017 c8 Guest
I saw that you had posted a new chapter, i was so excited. Another great chapter.
4/26/2017 c8 31DZ2
Huh...things are getting interesting.
4/26/2017 c8 2Mike Kromer
I smell trouble ahead lol. Wonder if that adress was for his uncle muggle family with another dead end as it where lol. That family needs to pay up indeed.
4/26/2017 c8 3ObsessedWithHPFanFic
Good that Daphne has begun to inserted herself into Harry's life. Thanks for sharing!
4/26/2017 c8 Princesakarlita411
Does he have potter home addresse now or the dursleys? Good chapterbwish was longer but still good. Update soon
4/26/2017 c8 4El Pirato
I doubt potter will bat an eye to the death of the Dursleys
4/26/2017 c8 firedawg
Poor Voldemort, will he kever learn ? For that matter will his minions ever learn to stay away from this hippocrit?
4/26/2017 c8 WhiteEagle1985
A great chapter here!
4/26/2017 c7 18ArielSakura
Loving this fic! great story
4/26/2017 c7 gabrieljuarezl
Nice one
4/26/2017 c3 xNaruHina
Tonks and her family are living family of Harry... I don't see why Sirius said only Remus is his family seeing as Dorea Black married into the Potter family...
4/25/2017 c7 Gime'SS
thanks for the update
4/25/2017 c7 5flame55
This is great
4/25/2017 c7 1ainokea2810
such a great beginning. I'm looking forward to more.
4/25/2017 c7 BMS
Good story so far, though I've noticed several spelling errors.
Looking forward to more.

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