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for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

4/7/2017 c4 starboy454
excellent update
4/7/2017 c4 firedawg
Great story and a darn good one. Thank you for sharing. I eaferly awsit your next installment.
4/7/2017 c4 InfinityMask
Thx for the update!

I really hope Daphne would show up soon.. she usually my favorite character. I also hope Hermione wouldn't screaming this barbaric and that barbaric too much... ouch.. maybe that too harsh..
4/7/2017 c4 2Phantomsoul2015
Good start hope to see more of this quality
4/7/2017 c4 HeartsGlow
Well, since you have Dumbles facing death, I guess Harry wont be able to get revenge on him. I was hoping he'd die a different way in your story, or at least end up in Azkaban.
4/7/2017 c4 FallenAngel982
You should have Lily find out the way that Severus is treating her baby boy and how he is very, VERY prejudiced against him.
4/7/2017 c4 vienx.001
i hope some misstress aka. narcissa..
well so the harem complete.. if i may suggest.. astoria, tracey,fleur,gabriele
4/7/2017 c4 17EmeraldGuardian7
Good chapter. Not much to say yet other than that. I am interested to see Hermione's reaction to Harry needing 3 wives. Lol. I'm very excited to see how Daphne fits into this. I always love to see her in pairings with Harry. Keep up the good work.
4/7/2017 c4 6Yaw6113
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
4/7/2017 c4 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already . Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
4/7/2017 c4 Aaron Leach
Awesome chapter
4/7/2017 c4 Hydradrago
Can you just kill Draco and Snape and let fucking Dumbledore wither they deserve it for what they did to harry. Sorry venting frustrations about other harry potter stories never getting finished. And just sitting even if they are really good. Loving the story so far keep up the good work
4/6/2017 c3 nymlover
good story so far well done
4/3/2017 c3 19draco122
this is good and the mario and luigi touch very nice.
4/3/2017 c3 Thunderbird2
thanks you
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