Just In
for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

5/18/2021 c35 Pteaset
So good
5/18/2021 c35 EllaTheJester
Good to see you back!
5/18/2021 c35 11Marc the Unruly
Excellent chapter! I only started reading this last week, so the delay hasn't affected me much! :) Keep up the good work!
5/18/2021 c35 3Mmars69
Welcome back! It's good to hear (read) from you again. I was really sad this story seemed to be at it's end, so, thank you for writing. Again, welcome back.
5/18/2021 c1 goyalaayush890
Update the pokemon series
5/5/2021 c27 5Planar-Walking-Entertainment
Way to go draco. You murdered your lords horcrux. He is not going to be happy that nagini, if the ring had been dealt with, would be his only anchor left.
4/27/2021 c34 Hermione.Malfoy20
Are you going to update?
4/12/2021 c34 1blcoachmac
Can't wait for the next chapter's!
4/12/2021 c12 blcoachmac
Now this is getting some of the things I wanted to see happen being put in play! God stuff!
4/12/2021 c10 blcoachmac
Good stuff!
4/11/2021 c2 blcoachmac
4/3/2021 c23 teals
Vassal not Vessel the story is good but some of the spelling let’s it down
3/21/2021 c17 BayerClan
Star Wars order 66 hahahaha
3/5/2021 c34 Guest
killing the snake wont make tom mortal because tom is already dead a necromatic construct with his sprite in it does not make it alive.
2/28/2021 c34 5michaelc100
great story so far

i hope you decide to continue
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