Just In
for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

10/31/2020 c26 ToddGilliss
Delores, not Doles Umbridge
10/31/2020 c1 SatoshiKazuma
please update legend is born.
10/28/2020 c34 2roon0
Harry forgave Dumbledore, that is a surprise. I am looking forward to your next tme chapter. Keep safe.
10/28/2020 c32 roon0
Does Dumbledore realise how dark his actions were and are?
10/28/2020 c5 fridgeraiderz
This whole chapter was just annoying to read.
10/28/2020 c29 roon0
Serves Draco right. The Minstry Ball sounds like a really bad idea.
10/28/2020 c28 roon0
Good on Harry, Draco is not sorry for anything he has done.
10/28/2020 c27 roon0
Who knew Draco would actually help against Old Moldy however, unknowingly. Love it.
10/27/2020 c25 roon0
I am surprised Hermione is so boastful of something that is so private. I thought Daphne handled everything well.
10/27/2020 c24 roon0
Lots of action as it were. Great stuff
10/27/2020 c23 roon0
Dumbledore really doesn't care about anyone.
10/27/2020 c22 roon0
Wow Dumbledore is a poor judge of character.
10/26/2020 c21 roon0
Good job Harry has so much money.
10/26/2020 c20 roon0
Very enjoyable chapter
10/26/2020 c19 roon0
Dumbledore is a great fool.
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