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for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

10/25/2020 c25 2AvidReader2425
Thanks for the chapter, Considering how much he has in his bank accounts, I don’t mind how much he spending, but I am curious on how much gold he’s taking in as well
10/25/2020 c24 AvidReader2425
Thanks for the chapter , fun read
10/25/2020 c23 AvidReader2425
Thanks for the awesome chapter
10/25/2020 c22 AvidReader2425
Thank you very much for another excellent chapter
10/25/2020 c21 AvidReader2425
Definitely another really great chapter, though I think a contract with the goblins should go with the money loan to the ministry, Amelia won’t always be in charge, and considering it’s war, you never know what could happen. You don’t want the new leader to try to shortchange Harry
10/25/2020 c20 AvidReader2425
Thanks for the chapter
10/25/2020 c19 AvidReader2425
Another really great chapter, though it’s a shame he didn’t go through with his plan to toss some of the students in jail
10/25/2020 c18 AvidReader2425
Another exceedingly fun chapter, thanks
10/25/2020 c17 AvidReader2425
Definitely another really great chapter, and considering what those books were saying and seeing Harry Potter himself save her from a basilisk, no wonder her mind is all in a tizzy LOL
10/25/2020 c16 AvidReader2425
Another exceedingly fun chapter
10/25/2020 c15 AvidReader2425
Fantastic chapter again
10/25/2020 c14 AvidReader2425
Another really great chapter, having a fun time with the story
10/25/2020 c13 AvidReader2425
Fantastic chapter
10/25/2020 c12 AvidReader2425
Another excellent and highly fun chapter
10/25/2020 c11 AvidReader2425
Thanks for another excellent chapter. Personally I think now you die sounds better than you die now, just my opinion.
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