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for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

10/25/2020 c11 2AvidReader2425
Thanks for another excellent chapter. Personally I think now you die sounds better than you die now, just my opinion.
10/25/2020 c10 AvidReader2425
Another very entertaining chapter, thank you very much
10/25/2020 c9 AvidReader2425
Another highly entertaining chapter, thank you
10/25/2020 c8 AvidReader2425
Another excellent chapter, thank you
10/25/2020 c7 AvidReader2425
Thanks for another very enjoyable chapter
10/25/2020 c6 AvidReader2425
Thanks for another excellent chapter
10/25/2020 c5 AvidReader2425
Thanks for another enjoyable chapter
10/25/2020 c4 AvidReader2425
Definitely another really great chapter. And one thing that I was always annoyed about in the movies and books, well, one of the many things that annoyed me LOL, was that Draco Malfoy basically got away with everything, all the death and destruction he caused was completely forgiven. And who else knows who else got away Scott free.
10/25/2020 c3 AvidReader2425
Definitely another excellent and enjoyable chapter
10/25/2020 c2 AvidReader2425
Definitely another really great chapter
10/25/2020 c1 AvidReader2425
I really hope Harry Potter can get to that erased knowledge he has, I don’t know if it’sverased or blocked
10/23/2020 c34 PrinceFroze
Awesome fanfic ! Can’t wait for the next chapter !
10/24/2020 c34 8CCSakuraforever
Esta muy bueno el capitulo que esta pasando en la escuela que voldemort se esta quedando sin planes para detener a harry que esta perdiendo seguidores y que le dijo el director que pasará ahora que tiene el la varita de sauco
10/24/2020 c3 Wulfkin17
Crack fic confirmed... MARIO & LUIGI!
10/22/2020 c1 Guest
I want to read this, I really do, but this grammar is atrocious. For example, third or fourth sentence down has the word “fitted” used. Think really hard on if that is the proper use of that word. I’ll give you a hint, that word is rarely used in the written word.
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