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for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

10/8 c36 DJDeadpool
holy shit never thought i would ever seen an update to this
9/30 c5 oldpotato
Every time an author brings the "big scary, intimidating Daddy Dan Granger (occasionally with a gun, occasionally with a fist)", my love for Harmony drops. Always the same formula too: Dan scary, Emma nice, Emma scolds, Dan reluctantly accepts.

I just wanna know: what exactly this rite-of-passage of any Harry/Hermione story actually achieve?
9/5 c2 14Freddie Rindklip
In chapter 2 Dobby instantly reduces the basilisk to ingredients. With how magically resistant a basilisk is, that cannot happen. Wait, this is fanfic, and fanfic is by definition AU, therefore ...
So far I am enjoying the fic.
8/27 c14 csheila
Knock that smirk off Pansy’s face
8/17 c22 Guest
albus dreaming about death eaters cock ah lol
8/17 c11 Guest
riddley pants son of a squib and a muggle no good bastasrd lol
8/17 c4 Guest
dumbles doing the madness 7 one step beyond up the arse lol
8/17 c3 Guest
riddle sucking and buggering dumbles lol
7/18 c1 Binge Reader
Keuk. What the fuck is this chicken scratch? What's the point of making a worse version of an original story? I thought you lot aimed to 'fix' what was wrong. Hilarious.
6/27 c35 notevenifyouask
very good read. wish there was more
6/19 c32 Freddie Rindklip
Close to complete. It has been a while since the last update. I assume it is abandoned. Thank you for writing. It was an enjoyable fic.
4/23 c35 fausto.ochoa31
Me encanto la forma de escribir esta historia, para cuando podríamos espera un nuevo capitulo esta excelente historia
4/8 c17 Guest
OOPS, even I miss spelled it . its Kreacher .
4/8 c18 Guest
OOPS.. Just a note on spelling , starting in paragraphs 2, 3 etc. Kreatcher is miss spelled. you dropped the (a ) Kretcher.
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