Just In
for Harry Potter and The Rebellion Of Hogwarts

3/15/2022 c7 4Jtf0012
i can't wait for am update. I am restarting to rereading this story and cant wait for more
3/14/2022 c17 DrReadnoShit
This story is getting worse with each chapter. So many logical errors, kinda unbelievable. The amount of plot errors
2/26/2022 c3 Guest
i know its fiction and a warning but i hope to jah you dont condone rape i am not saying you do but rape is sick and wrong its a black sin in gods eyes
2/21/2022 c35 mike3308
I have mixed feelings about Severus being arrested. He was a Death Eater, but he did do a lot to earn redemption.

Update soon.
2/21/2022 c34 mike3308
It's a big step for Harry to forgive Dumbledore.
2/21/2022 c33 mike3308
Albus really ended Ootp with his confessions. In the hospital is best for now.
2/21/2022 c32 mike3308
Albus dying will be a good thing after those memories.
2/21/2022 c31 mike3308
The DMLE will be very busy dealing with all the Death Eaters found in the Wizengamot.
2/21/2022 c30 mike3308
I feel bad for Amelia, but she was a major target for Voldemort.
2/21/2022 c29 mike3308
I have to say that the way Draco is acting, he deserves to be in prison.
2/21/2022 c28 mike3308
It's debatable whether Harry should leave Draco alone, or follow through with his plan with the house elf.
2/21/2022 c27 mike3308
Draco did the right thing in destroying the diadem. He found out the truth about Voldemort , and seemed to have trouble with it.
2/21/2022 c26 mike3308
I'm glad Umbridge was found guilty, but it's Dolores not Doles.
2/21/2022 c25 mike3308
Harry gave Daphne a good birthday.
2/21/2022 c24 mike3308
Umbridge will get her deserved punishment , and I'm glad Harry was the cause.
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