Just In
for Sanitize

2/11 c13 Drakos2112
I always enjoy coming back to this story whenever I see it. Whether or not you finish it (though I hope you do!), I wanted to thank you for taking the time to write something as enjoyable as this. Hood luck with whatever you're up to!
1/29 c8 Guest
This chapter just broke my heart️
1/24 c14 Guest
I have never posted a review on this site ever but I just wanted to thank the author for this wonderful story. It is one of the better fanfics I have read and I hope they will continue it.
12/21/2024 c14 Drakos2112
every couple of months, I come back to this story and remember just how good it is. thank you for all the writing. I hope you're doing well and plan on continuing!
12/18/2024 c14 leechaiwen
I love this book so much! I hope you'll continue to update. I can't wait to see how she'll impact Naruto's generation ESPECIALLY Sakura.
11/11/2024 c14 cherryblossomszahime
This was so so incredible. Hope you update one day again. It has been beautifully written. Thank you for all your work
11/3/2024 c14 1Serendipity's tears
I’m still deeply in love with this story! It’s come such a long way from when I first met it. 3
10/27/2024 c14 Guest
This is amazing! Thank you so much for the story. I absolutely adored it️!
10/20/2024 c14 TheGuyFromIndia
This story brings a deep warmth in me. Thank you for continuing to weave such a wonderful picture of how things might have really been, from the perspective of Yui, youve done a brilliant job. Please keep on going, would love to be able to read more from you. Gratitude and blessings upon you.
10/11/2024 c12 b4tling
Aww Im glad they finally talked and the apologies werent one sided
10/11/2024 c12 b4tling
I never realized how Eiji and Kawarama definitely have something going on here when I last read this fic when I was like 13 lol good for them
10/11/2024 c11 b4tling
Well damn, kinda feel guilty that I'm not as sad about Sen's death as I usually am when it comes to these type of scenes. He just had his moments where he was a bit annoying so I never grew attached to his character (I'm immune to the bratty, sunshine characters). Its sad to see the impact of his death though.
10/11/2024 c9 b4tling
I get mourning and all that but it still pisses me off so much when a character gets accused for not reacting to someones death, especially when that person grew up with them so of course they would have cared... I love Eiji but HE BETTER APOLOGIZE AND NOT HAVE YUI BE THE ONE TO FIX THEIR RELATIONSHIP, CUS I HATE WHEN CHARACTERS JUST WALK ALL OVER THE MC JUST CUS THEY MISUNDERSTOOD A SITTUATION AND SO THE MC PROCEEDS TO BECOME ALL GUILTY LEADING TO THEM SAYING SORRY WHEN THEY ARENT IN THE WRONG. I mean both feelings are valid but why is it always the mc apologizing, too kind for their own good
10/11/2024 c6 b4tling
Rereading this fic and I now want Yui to end up with Hashirama ngl, they have chemistry
10/1/2024 c2 hhwa
There is something wrong with your first chapter, it won't load. Just thought you should know...
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