Just In
for (III) - Where The Stars Of Terra Grow

1/3/2023 c40 DedicatedReader2020
amazing story! so keen for next book
4/7/2020 c40 Guest
I found this on the second book first time around and it quickly became one of my favourites. Then I loved the third book even more honestly the last few chapters had me almost in tears. I loved the 2 main characters and how they started off as antagonists to each other with the gradual change to friendship and more. You obviously put a lot of effort into making that storyline natural and organic and honestly it's my favourite part. That final slog hanger had me on the edge of my seat for part 4 so when you originally said you were gonna rewrite the whole story I was pretty upset but looking back now I can say that it was the right move. The story is much better for the focus and direction you gave it in the re-write. You have really done us all a service in providing such a well written fic. Am even more excited for the forth part this time around. Wishing you a swift hand and a mind free of writers block :). Apologies for any errors I typed this on my phone.
3/11/2020 c40 ACheekiBreeki
What amazes me most is that the first time around, you had already written one of the best WH40K fics I have ever read, THEN you turned it into a series, THEN you rewrote the whole thing because having the best 40K fic series on the site wasn't good enough, it had to be better.

Shine on, you crazy diamond. I can only hope to one day read another fic that brought me as much joy as this one did, both the first and second editions.
3/8/2020 c40 Guest
Sad to see the end come but also hopeful
, because you gavw us a hint again that she will come back.
3/2/2020 c37 2balckwatch1
This is really good, enjoy the usage of different factions and the grunts perspective rather than the usual space marine or super OP PLZ NERF person. Please continue, CADIA STANDS!
1/19/2020 c29 Guest
I just love everything you have changed about the story. Dar Moré meaningful and sweet now.
1/1/2020 c26 1ksgrip
So much better than the first iteration. Good job!
10/13/2019 c3 rogaldorn135
hey bud awesome story but what happened to the other chapters, i was on ch 34
10/3/2019 c51 31Thinker90
Hands down, you write the best Warhammer fics. I’ve enjoyed your books immensely. I love the Dune nods. I’ve spent the last week reading the whole series, and while (II) is under rewrite, I’m going to be eagerly waiting every update until you start the sequel to this. Kudos mate, bloody well done!
5/29/2019 c50 2York52
pity Keladi Lethidia, I have a feeling that they will meet for the fourth time
4/4/2019 c1 Guest
I as many others lack the experience or the hability to fully express how something has made them "feel". Be proud that after every search through this site, after literal years of self discovery I still consider the best fanfiction that I've read. Only that which is forbidden has made me feel such love, hate, despair or even long standing emotion for a character. I just love your world, your work and true novelization of a world that should be hard, unforgiving and trully deprecating.

This story along side your characters, even after having started from book two are simply the best thing I've read here. Your style is cumbersome and easy to read at the same time, so mucho jargon that it gives your character true personality and life. This is a work worthy of being imprinted, and I am trully waiting for your fourth book. The story of James and Izuru cannot end like this. It has to end in a more meaningful tone.

I still wish that you gave us the site where you obtained that eldar dictionary. I've actually taken the time and only some of the words can be translated, but in the end the sentiment is there and the meaning flows through your words. Be proud.
2/3/2019 c51 4Solarfish
And thusly, the 101st Review is made.

I'm going to admit it; I'm terrible at literally reviewing each and every chapter of a story, but I can definitely double down on an extended review, more of a recap really, on my experience reading the trilogy. [in the process of rereading (I) at the moment.]

The trilogy following the trials and tribulations of James Larn are, in a word, enthralling. It's hard to get a reader invested in a story, to get a reader that imagines themselves into your world, to feel what your story feels, to truly enjoy a good book. You have, against my will, made me invested and intruiged. You've made me smile at personal victories and triumphs. You made me mad as the person I'm rooting for is stumped, denied and fails. You've wrenched honest and heartfelt tears of sadness out of me from nothing more than the world you've crafted.

Sit back. Look at the roof and smile for yourself knowing that a random guy somewhere out there was so invested in your story you brought him low in a flurry of hurt characters and the closing of a book. Go on. You've earned it. You beautiful bastard.

The writing is nice, an odd blend of informative, narrative and almost nonsensical jargon that brings your characters to life. What was beautiful was the utter improvement from book one, which was good enough to get me hooked, to the culmination of book three. Worlds apart in pacing, emphasis, plot intricacy, progression and charater design. I'm sure that right now you're going through Mad Game and wondering how anyone ever read your stuff. Perhaps. I wouldn't know.

The detail is also another beautiful skill you've worked into the trilogy that I enjoyed. The worlds are rich with little details and factoids, little flags on how the Author, how you did your research. [Or just a long-time interest, there's little difference.] The Guard is portrayed how very few people portray it as: A cumbersome, cancer-ridden behemoth of a machine that works solely on the principle of 'Too Big To Fail' and little else...

I just want to say thanks. For literally everything you've put into this. Everything that's been done so far, every chapter and plot-line and note and meta-planning you've done to give us this work was worth it, more than worth it and you've significantly affected someone's life with it so thank you.

Those final lines gave me such a massive, burning need and I literally cannot wait for book four but even more so, even more importantly, I want to see how you take your original Mad Game and give it a Stars Of Terra makeover that turns it from intriguing to magical.

I give all of my possible regards and hope this review finds you in good health and happiness.

Ever hopeful,
9/28/2018 c51 7theluckyshot
Felt the need after reading your notes, congrats on another well written story in this saga of yours, I must say I truely appreciate and commend you on the research for characters, weapons, events, etc. It makes the story all the more pleasurable to read.

Also, congrats on getting over one hundred reviews, bit weird I know. But, not many 40k stories seem able to reach this milestone sadly enough. Here's to 101.

9/28/2018 c50 theluckyshot
Oh boy oh boy, that epilogue got me excited. Most certainly I shall see my boy and girl again! This was a fantastic read by the way, thouroughly enjoyed, and greatly anticipated for each update. I applaud you sir.

As for predictions... I do believe Larn's gonna be going through either another brutal campaign, or stormtrooper training, I could see it go either way, no one expects the inquisition!

Also, necromancy to bring Izuru back? Well the dark Eldar are said to know of such things, and these individuals Eldrad happens to be with seem to stem from that dark city. I am definitely looking forward reading that if you do indeed plan on continuing.

As always, good story, see you next time.

9/22/2018 c50 Guest
For the longest time you had me convinced this was the end but now, Larn's joining the inquisition, and Eldrad is bringing Izuru back to life... This is looking like there'll be another sequel coming!

Anyhow, I was really saddened at the last chapter. I felt legitimate emotions, and that simply says loads about how invested I am in the story, and how great your skill is. I can't wait to see what awaits our heroes. Thank you so much for this incredible journey.
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