Just In
for With Sprinkles

11/13 c45 Guest
11/13 c45 WearyCurmudgeon
So just shy of Season 1 then, based on the transcripts comment (Jaune&Blake).

Curious as to what Salem wants with Xander, as she hates and fears the Two Brats.

Hoping he's a third and not afraid to remove her Divine Curse maybe?

That might make her more reasonable than the "good" guys.

As they'd be more than likely opposed to him upsetting the status quo.

And in a weird way, he's like a synthesis of the Two Brats. Light, Creation, Order. Darkness, Destruction, Chaos.

Whereas Xander is Light, Creation/Utility/Nature and Chaos.

Also a one night stand for Xander, compared to the emotional connections to Anko and River.
11/14 c45 Mugen-Muse
Ah. Yeah, that makes more sense. Though now I wonder if Xander will hand out emerald rings to Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee. Well, that and how such a ring might affect their respective wardrobes.

On the bright side, Xander did manage to scan quite a few examples of technology that is not reliant upon Dust. He also scanned at least two experts. Never mind what a Terminator could also contribute technologically.

Hm... I wonder what Moon Healing Escalation will do to/for Salem.
11/14 c45 Alistair-Sinclair
Love this great job
11/14 c45 8Archangel Change24
I desire more. A lot more!
11/14 c45 DiveLord
I suppose Xander would stand out like a techno-rave themed lighthouse to the only 2 mages in the world.

Oh no, I just remembered how Xander learned to break curses (or cursed seals at least) and now Salem is heading straight for him. This is gonna be hilarious.
11/14 c45 Noeir
11/13 c45 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
subtle is one thing Zander isn't
11/13 c45 Victor Ebone
thanks for the chapter
11/13 c45 3Fyr RedNight
This is going swimmingly!

Gotta say I had a blast with your take on Oz, he's a riot.

Looking forward to the next update!
11/13 c45 Bucio
And it finally happened, while things are happening at First Stop: Xander spending quality time with Samantha (XD) and Leo receiving the same courtesy from another of the women there, as well as helping more by replicating a large amount (and safely) of Lightning Dust and making able to fly a group of children and their parents (the fox kid who now flies made me think of Tails), using Moon Healing Escalation to heal many; use the green mana for what Genease asked (And the comment he makes, about the dependence of the people in Remnant on Dust, which is only useful there and not off-planet, in addition to, I suppose making me believe that said material would not be useful to Xander in other worlds?, reminds me of the eezo in Mass Effect)

At last Oz and Salem seem to have noticed that something is happening in Menagerie, attributing it to entities that they have not felt for centuries, and were on that planet: Gods, especially with Salem getting excited about the news and taking one of her giant raven Grimms to go there, although her appearance, well, as a human she had blonde hair and already transformed and altered, she has it between gray and silver, I will only assume that what was described was an appearance that she took on in order not to be recognized.

Although, in addition to being curious if Xander would remove Salem's curse in the same way he did with Anko (whistling innocently) or with a Moon Healing Escalation; and his actions would attract back the two morons, err, Gods that abandoned the planet and left it in that state, would they be a threat to him?, or are they Deities at a level that Xander could handle (I would say basic, but I don't think it's that simple) and learn/absorb from them (unintentionally for them, or said Gods would know what Xander is and their opinion about it - disdain or fear), or would they end up as fuel if Xander creates a Silver Crystal for Remnant, with Sailor Salem as its owner and main user (plus Tuxedo Ozpin helping her, XD)

Good luck and keep it up
11/13 c45 fanreader18
Uh. Salem seems different. Looking forward to the next chapter!
11/13 c45 8ChopSuzi
Honestly, every time I read a new chapter of this I do little happy dance. This wandering kind of fic sparks joy in my heart.
11/13 c45 Difdi
Given Xander’s history with super-lethal supernatural women, I am predicting now that Salem finds him very attractive, heh.
11/13 c45 2SixFtWookie
So, I had a thought while reading something else, but what if Xander used the five mana reinforcements right before he steps into the Eternities? Seems like that would make navigating them a whole lot easier. Love that the story has been continuing, hope to see more in the future.
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