Just In
for A Saiyan in Earthland

11/22/2019 c4 42Warmachine375
Well that is quite an interesting crossover fic where Future Trunks was sent to Earth Land by his mother after the tragic death of Future Gohan that unleashed his Super Saiyan. I guess since the machine Future Bulma built was not made for time travel, guess this timeline has apparently dodged a bullet big time if you know what I mean. *looks at Goku Black and Zamasu*

Fridge Horror ensues when you or any reader had realized that Future Bulma and Chi Chi and their surviving friends who are not Z-Fighters will die at the hands of Future Androids 17 & 18 sooner or later with the rest of humanity from the face of the Earth with no one to stop them.

Not to mention that Imperfect Cell is there, looking for 17 & 18 to absorb them and obtain Perfection unhindered, and then destroy or take over Earth depending on what he will do with his new power since Goku is gone alongside the Z-Fighters.

Although I doubt Bulma is gonna sit down and let the Androids do as they please that easily after sending Trunks away. She would rather go down fighting than wait for the inevitable on her own terms like create a suit of power armor like in MasakoX's What If Saga of herself even if they are made with a box of scraps. Or even find Gero's lab where the Android schematics are made, create a detonator and kill evil Android 17 & 18 for good, which might upset Imperfect Cell for obvious reasons.

Bulma is a determinator with beauty & brains and won't give up to find a solution after all even when facing imminent death.

Or that Mr. Popo, who is still alive at the Lookout, decided that enough is enough and he personally deals with the Androids (and Imperfect Cell too as well) in Pecking Order like he did to Garlic Jr. and his minions. Then Mr. Popo goes to New Namek, wish back Piccolo so Kami will be back to revive the Dragon Balls and undo the damage like reviving the Z-Fighters and Vegeta too as well and even Future Gohan and all who died from the Androids' rampage minus poor Goku who died of a heart attack.

And as a result, this timeline is saved with Earth rebuilding back on its feet while Future Gohan hopes his student will be fine which Vegeta would say that Trunks is a Saiyan warrior and will survive and thrive on wherever Bulma had sent him.

As for Future Trunks on Earth Land and joining Fairy Tail, I hope that you remember that he is still way too powerful than all of the most powerful Mages across the world of Magic even when holding back, and is literally a Big Fish on a Small Pond along with being an Outside Context Problem for anyone who makes a terrible mistake of having the Demi-Saiyan their enemy.

Since the Son of Vegeta uses Ki, Acnologia the Dragon of Magic cannot eat Ki at all and would get rekt by the Demi-Saiyan in base form while Zeref might finally get his wish for permanent death from a Ki blast that blows up planets and reduces beings at a Cell-ular level into nothingness. Even if the Black Wizard attacks him with Anhkseram Black Magic unwittingly or willingly, Trunks can just dodge out of the way from a very far distance quite easily.

Even Magics that are grossly unfair like Âge Seal (Dimaria's primary Magic), Stealth & Transport (Jacob's primary Magics), and Historia of the Dead (Neinhart's primary Magic) would be nothing to Future Trunks when he keeps training his Super Saiyan and gets a lot stronger from fighting and surviving battles with powerful S-Class monsters as an S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail.

I mean for example Trunks can just go Super Saiyan to walk inside Dimaria's Age Seal like SSJ Blue Goku had overcame Hit's Time Skip with Kaioken X10 which he would fight her God Soul Chronos and prevail in the end; and that Trunks can sense Jacob's life force even when the latter is under Stealth and also can escape Transport with SSJ like how Dragon Force Natsu freed himself from Zero's Genesis Zero, and I doubt Neinhart can recreate Future Gohan with Historia of the Dead to be on Trunks level and it only pisses him off for such disrespect or that he needed some closure with his deceased mentor even if that was just a Historia replica who has Future Gohan's memories, personality and abilities before the real one died to evil 17 & 18.

Heck for all I know Trunks could even complete the 100 Year Quest to take down the Five God Dragons, and even unwittingly Acnologia since Gildarts ran into the Black Dragon while on that job in canon, with ease as a warmup including Diabolos and also the so-called White Wizard & her Liberius too as well.

And also, I think Future Trunks will get really jumpy and hostile at the Machias, a race of sentient humanoid machines that can use Magic and to his eyes, they are Earth Land's equivalent of the Androids. Guess he can never catch a break when he encounters a Machias sooner or later, giving him 17 & 18 flashbacks and a horrified Bulma would facepalm if she ever realized that the world she sent her son was also inhabited by Magical androids.

I have a bad feeling that he and Jenny Realight, the Machina Soul Mage, might get off in a bad impression at first meeting before Trunks calms down or Jenny reassures him before he get to know her as a beautiful genius with nut on machines which would remind him of his mother and he misses her dearly.

When it comes to technology, Jenny can help Trunks upgrade, improve and modify the machine that brought him to Earth Land so he can go back to Earth so the Son of Vegeta will stop evil 17 & 18 for good after he trained harder than before and unlocked more potential, and return here at anytime he wants. Bulma would be impressed and takes a liking to the smart, beautiful maiden of Blue Pegasus.

I think Trunks might end up being Odd Friends with Laxus after he beats the latter's ass easily and help him get out of his edgy phase to be a better man, and Laxus would recognize that the newbie is stronger than he looked and is holding back his real power that is beyond comprehension.

The Demi-Saiyan would enjoy going all out against Gildarts (with full limbs and prime before Acnologia took them away) in base form probably at the S-Class Trials at Tenrou Island and the Guild Ace's immense Magical aura is nothing compared to the Super Saiyan aura Trunks would unleash which amazes and scares Gildarts at the same time upon someone so young possessing otherworldly powers that he has never seen before in his life as a member of Fairy Tail.

Trunks' presence and actions in Fairy Tail before the start of the series changes EVERYTHING (in Bardock's voice) and it will be boring if you rehash the stations of the canon all over again without real changes. There are too many crossover stories on this site that so strictly follow the original plotline, trying too hard to make sure the visiting characters add little to no change in the story at all.

Trunks would obviously be the Big Brother to young Natsu and his friends and he might even be their mentor in memory of Gohan. Not teaching them Ki yet but to improve their own Magic and fighting skills, which will make them stronger than their canon counterparts while he gets himself stronger and learn how to wield a sword from Erza like his canon self. The son of Vegeta might even tell that Gildarts is Cana's dad just by observing them and ensures they are together as father & daughter, averting Cana's issues in the canon. And that Trunks would help Elfman get a grip on his Beast Soul with training, averting Lisanna's "death" on that fateful day.

If Sarah Fortune ever joins Fairy Tail, it would be cool to see her develop as a member of the Guild and she could be Future Trunks' apprentice to learn how to use Ki like him and get strong to protect her mother Elizabeth Fortune and also her friends in Fairy Tail.

By the way, the killing of Dark Mages has never been forbidden. That's just a moral rule that Fairy Tail Mages have and the Legal Guilds have followed their lead in emulating them, trying to project a better role model image and high moral ground to the people of Fiore in the canon. There have been plenty of times that Light Mages have killed people from Dark Guilds without punishment from the Magic Council and no one will miss such scum of Earth Land.

For example, Erza killing Ikaruga, Laxus killing Wahl Icht, and Minerva killing Kyouka.

So Future Trunks would legally be able to kill Dark Mages without repercussion and it certainly will not stop him now as a Mage of Fairy Tail if it means putting down the threat for good despite leading to a potential clash with Makarov or any younger member of the Guild or Jura Neekis who detests killings as shown with his disdain for Hoteye and his original M.O. involving killing for money.

Just like how Future Trunks did with Mecha-Frieza, King Cold and the Frieza Force troops accompanying them to Earth for revenge on Goku and the Z-Fighters after the Namek Saga that the son of Vegeta from the future plagued by the evil Androids 17 & 18 had intercepted and killed them all on time before they cause any further harm and destruction.

Future Trunks may be an overall nice guy with social awkwardness but he won't hesitate to end the threat immediately and not fool around at all.

Anyways, it is a really awesome crossover between Dragon Ball Z and Fairy Tail, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Faved and Followed. :D
8/22/2017 c4 Guest
Exactly what is the pointing trunks weaker.

Old King Piccolo with mere pl of 260 alone can solo fairytail verse. Lol
8/22/2017 c4 Guest
Regarding how powerful everyone in Fairy tail is. No higher then 100.
8/22/2017 c3 Guest
What is with stupid nerfing.

Trunks in his base forn is at least over 3 Million.
8/22/2017 c1 BlackGogeta
no me lo esperaba.
8/21/2017 c4 Guest
Will it still be Trunks and Mirajane
8/21/2017 c4 WitchDoc
Holy shit you came back in surprised
8/21/2017 c4 209Shadow Joestar
KO awesome chapter, well looks like Trunks like making himself comfortable in his new home and hope he'll grow stronger to protect it and all his friends.
7/12/2017 c3 Guest
Ah been a year since i was on fanfic and I'm very sad to see you stopped writing dragon tail z. But your new story has potential and I'm excited. But I was wondering how about putting trunks with Erza also eh? It your decision though can't wait for the update.
6/25/2017 c3 Blah
Can't wait for more!

–Blah, 2017
6/22/2017 c3 BlackGogeta
ya quiero ver el siguiente cap grasias por todo
5/20/2017 c3 Blake2020
Love the chapter and eager to see what happens next
5/20/2017 c2 Blake2020
Great i really hope Trunks and Mirajane will be a couple in this story as well?
5/20/2017 c1 Blake2020
good start
5/17/2017 c1 Bkallen123
will you please make the pairing the same for him like you did in you last fanfic. also make her like him first as well like you did before.
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