Just In
for Guardian Blue: Season 2

11/7 c26 TrumpWonFuckYou
I wish you were here to experience the defeat of Kamala Harris and how fucked the Demoshitheads are after the election!

Hahahaha! Trump won! Suck it!
8/5/2023 c21 Guest
jaja me encanta jaja siempre donde van hayaventuras
8/5/2023 c17 Guest
jaja siempre corriendo al pelogro jaja
1/21/2023 c18 Guest
ja vaya bienvenida cielos
1/21/2023 c17 Guest
jaja con judy nunca dejara tener aventuras jaja
1/20/2023 c15 Guest
jaja judy si sabe sobresaltar a nick jaja y lodicho siempre es su esperanza
1/20/2023 c14 Guest
jaja pobre moti la confución jaja y creo que eso es judy para nick
1/20/2023 c11 Guest
hay siempre en problemas jaja
1/19/2023 c9 Guest
jaja espero que que los que espere no los cure de aventuras na seguro igualemente se veran arrastrados
1/19/2023 c8 Guest
jaja si si esos dos están juntos jaja es como una montaaña rusa
12/6/2022 c4 Jah Ith Ber
This is still the funniest chapter in the whole series
5/24/2021 c26 8Colonel Arbuckle
This was amazing! I can't wait to find out how they get the new chief! Keep up the outstanding work!
12/20/2020 c9 trebor1982
Nick’s prank on Bogo had me laughing hard
Wonderful piece of writing
12/18/2020 c2 trebor1982
Gives a nice spin on Nick’s quip in the movie
He really did think Judy was similar to his rabbit toy
11/5/2020 c24 5Warriorpup28
silly blushing wolf. I feel nay though, that could be alot to take in all at once.
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