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8/26/2018 c3 xXDark-Rose-MariaXx
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I really like what you're doing! I love seeing AU plots like this 3
1/16/2018 c3 67Park Ryder
I really like this chapter good job!
1/16/2018 c3 37April1996
Thanks for the update! Also, I noticed a few errors. When you put "a lot", you spelled it as "allot". Also when Once and the girl were talking, you put "your", not "you're". "Your" is a word you use if something belonged to the person you're talking to. "You're" is the shortened form of "You are". But anyway, keep up the good work!
1/14/2018 c1 1Pitch'snieceanddaughterofMew
PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ keep writing as this is good I need to see this through
1/3/2018 c2 37April1996
I can't help you with the font thing because I use the app (I'm listening to "How Bad Can I Be" right now as we speak because I love the song and I watched memes on YouTube before becoming obsessed[?] with the song) but this is a good story! If you still come on here I hope you can continue the story. For me when I do singing I do quotes and I use Italics within the quotes. When I do thoughts I use just Italics.
4/22/2017 c1 67Park Ryder
This is great! good job

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