8/26/2018 c3 xXDark-Rose-MariaXx
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I really like what you're doing! I love seeing AU plots like this 3
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I really like what you're doing! I love seeing AU plots like this 3
1/16/2018 c3 37April1996
Thanks for the update! Also, I noticed a few errors. When you put "a lot", you spelled it as "allot". Also when Once and the girl were talking, you put "your", not "you're". "Your" is a word you use if something belonged to the person you're talking to. "You're" is the shortened form of "You are". But anyway, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the update! Also, I noticed a few errors. When you put "a lot", you spelled it as "allot". Also when Once and the girl were talking, you put "your", not "you're". "Your" is a word you use if something belonged to the person you're talking to. "You're" is the shortened form of "You are". But anyway, keep up the good work!
1/14/2018 c1 1Pitch'snieceanddaughterofMew
PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ keep writing as this is good I need to see this through
PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ keep writing as this is good I need to see this through
1/3/2018 c2 37April1996
I can't help you with the font thing because I use the app (I'm listening to "How Bad Can I Be" right now as we speak because I love the song and I watched memes on YouTube before becoming obsessed[?] with the song) but this is a good story! If you still come on here I hope you can continue the story. For me when I do singing I do quotes and I use Italics within the quotes. When I do thoughts I use just Italics.
I can't help you with the font thing because I use the app (I'm listening to "How Bad Can I Be" right now as we speak because I love the song and I watched memes on YouTube before becoming obsessed[?] with the song) but this is a good story! If you still come on here I hope you can continue the story. For me when I do singing I do quotes and I use Italics within the quotes. When I do thoughts I use just Italics.