Just In
for Luke & Vader One-Shots

4/30/2017 c4 Guest
I have a weakness for 'Luke willingly hands himself over into Vader's clutches in exchange for freeing his unknown father's freedom.' THANK YOU for this latest installment!
4/30/2017 c4 Stregian
I adore these little 'shorts' of yours. Please keep them up. :) (Those two sentences sound odd...and I apologize for that. -laughs-)
4/30/2017 c4 ILDV
Very Great
4/29/2017 c3 thewhole9yards
Would love to see this one continued. ;-) Piett has gotta be everyone's favourite imperial officer!
4/28/2017 c3 VaderLukefg18
Plot twist! Luke finally accepted the truth!
4/28/2017 c3 12Populus Tremula
Oh my gosh I think this is my favorite one! Piett in a Hawaiian shirt ahhh I laughed so much you have no idea. I'm still laughing about his attempts to avoid the holiday!
And Luke! Pfft hahaha arrested with an Imperial on Holiday and bailed out by a rather nonplussed parent omygoodness
4/24/2017 c2 Guest
Darth dad showing who's boss XD so good!
4/24/2017 c1 Stregian
I freakin love this. :) Thanks for writing. I hope we continue to see mroe from you.
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