Just In
for Voldemort: Mosquito Animagus

9/4/2023 c1 Lord Peverell-Eveningshade
Funny. More chapters please!
9/2/2022 c1 Misabeth
Great story! Pleeeeaaaaase continue with the bloodsucking adventures of Voldesquito
8/10/2022 c1 hunzbookwyrm
Cute story would love to see more of it!ยก
12/1/2020 c1 Battlesny
only female mosquitos suck blood yet the prophecy said "he who sucks blood" not 'she'. so it has to be babymort that sucks Harry's (or Dumbledore's more likely, after all does would Harry even care about him if he didn't keep bothering him?) blood?
9/18/2020 c1 11muttjc2003
This is hilarious! Also, is it really true only female mosquitoes drink blood? If so, that's a cool little fact.
3/1/2020 c1 1themadmartian
At least it wasn't a bed bug or a flea.
7/7/2019 c1 laraquick
Funny concept for an animagus/prophecy. :)
12/29/2018 c1 tricorvus
LOL excellent!
9/10/2018 c1 rowenasheir
Mosquitomort fllies to Privet Drive and runs into a pyrethroid based mosquito spray. The WW is saved by Petunia Dursley - the thing he knows not! He only has an wizarding uncle, no muggle aunts!
3/18/2018 c1 CoffeeDragon 63
squash volts actilly nice idea go on with this after finish other stories serpent. flaming lairs
11/19/2017 c1 17cuby18
Please write a sequel.
5/23/2017 c1 IamNOTawriter
Cute one-shot. Now can we cue the bug zapper song?
5/22/2017 c1 IamNOTawriter
Cute one-shot. Now can we cue the bug zapper song?
5/14/2017 c1 kharma
Omg that's fantastic! XD I laughed so hard at this, it's very oddly fitting. XD but if you decide to continue, please don't kill him of right away, if at all! I want to read about all his blood-sucking adventures, and say what you want about voldiesquito, but one of those fuckers can ONE HUNDRED PERCENT dodge a killing curse. XD
5/4/2017 c1 1LoVeInVaInTrYsTiLl
Ooooooo seems like an interesting story
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