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for Elsa's secret

9/27 c3 1Elsa Tomago
At long last, the sisters have found the answer to a way to thaw Elsa's ice, which is love.. Because Love Will Thaw..
9/27 c2 Elsa Tomago
Now Anna finally knew the reason for her and Elsa being separated.. And that was a good thing because Anna should know the truth about what happened during the last 13 years..
9/27 c1 Elsa Tomago
I am very glad that Elsa told Anna about her powers and about the accident that happened when they were little kids..
5/11/2017 c3 1FullTimeFangirl931
Great story, I love the open honesty between the sisters and how they dicovered that love melts without the Great Thaw. :)

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