Just In
for Dangerous Game

1/13/2019 c10 russia2774
more updates please love it
1/1/2019 c1 Guest
Please don't kill Mason in this
1/2/2019 c10 Kimavinzant
Can’t wait for more
1/1/2019 c10 pipigrin 2
Thank you so much for the update! Great chapter...Dimitri is going to be pissed and estatic all at the same time! Looking forward to updates
3/20/2018 c1 Erika
Two pf my favourite movies coming together!
The first chapter is great and I almost can’t believe you have spent all this time on this fanfic! It clearly was worth it!
3/20/2018 c9 Kimavinzant
Love it can’t wait for more
3/20/2018 c9 russia2774
more updates please love it
3/20/2018 c9 pipigrin 2
Story is really becoming tense in all different ways! Looking forward to upcoming chapters
3/19/2018 c9 1PhantomBove
NO! Why did this have to be so short! AHHH! You are killing us! Please write more.
2/23/2018 c8 Guest
OMG! I just read this an I love it! Totally shipping this whole Mulan thing! tell me you going to wirte more cuz this is a guilty pleasure. Adrian is my hero xoxox
1/23/2018 c8 russia2774
cant wait for next update
1/21/2018 c8 Kimavinzant
Still love it can’t wait for more
1/17/2018 c8 harmony82
Ahhhhhhhh noooooo you know we cant get enough
1/17/2018 c8 pipigrin 2
Thank you so much for the excellent update
1/17/2018 c8 JZIBE
Happy for the update even if it was a short one :)
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