1/1/2019 c1 Guest
Please don't kill Mason in this
Please don't kill Mason in this
1/1/2019 c10 pipigrin 2
Thank you so much for the update! Great chapter...Dimitri is going to be pissed and estatic all at the same time! Looking forward to updates
Thank you so much for the update! Great chapter...Dimitri is going to be pissed and estatic all at the same time! Looking forward to updates
3/20/2018 c1 Erika
Two pf my favourite movies coming together!
The first chapter is great and I almost can’t believe you have spent all this time on this fanfic! It clearly was worth it!
Two pf my favourite movies coming together!
The first chapter is great and I almost can’t believe you have spent all this time on this fanfic! It clearly was worth it!
3/20/2018 c9 pipigrin 2
Story is really becoming tense in all different ways! Looking forward to upcoming chapters
Story is really becoming tense in all different ways! Looking forward to upcoming chapters
3/19/2018 c9 1PhantomBove
NO! Why did this have to be so short! AHHH! You are killing us! Please write more.
NO! Why did this have to be so short! AHHH! You are killing us! Please write more.
2/23/2018 c8 Guest
OMG! I just read this an I love it! Totally shipping this whole Mulan thing! tell me you going to wirte more cuz this is a guilty pleasure. Adrian is my hero xoxox
OMG! I just read this an I love it! Totally shipping this whole Mulan thing! tell me you going to wirte more cuz this is a guilty pleasure. Adrian is my hero xoxox