Just In
for Why Did This Happen?

1/18/2019 c1 wotumba1
so very sad :(
7/16/2018 c1 45LostForeverInHisEyes
Nicely done. You definitely got into Callen's head here well and the final line sums it up well!

Callen being at a loss for what to do yet knowing he'd be there for Sam no matter what is exactly what makes those two stronger together than separate.
10/23/2017 c1 16DeeDeeMcCallRickHunter
I love this! It was very well-written. I love that it was Callen's POV of the day of Michelle's death. This story was very beautiful.
10/2/2017 c1 34Fanfic-Reader-88
If anybody outside of Sam and his family was affected the most by Michelle's death, it was definitely Callen. Given that he and Sam consider each other as brothers, and that Sam, Michelle and their kids are the closest resemblance of family outside of his own, it's hard to think that he wouldn't be struggling with the sudden loss.

Nice job.
8/6/2017 c1 5CapeZero
Very well written! You managed to perfectly capture the atmosphere surrounding the event. The introspective perspective of Callen's is really well done and absolutely in character, which is a lot harder than it seems and you nailed it!
I have yet to read the rest of your stuff, but I'm already looking forward to it after reading this beauty! ;-)

Best regards, Cape.
5/11/2017 c1 Guest
Yes it was very sad
5/11/2017 c1 Guest
french fan
What a hard episod.
Great story. You forgot Nell, her carrier is also in the balance.
I like the beginning of the episod, all the "little" family, everything is ok. And the run at the beginning and at the end.

Great analyse
5/11/2017 c1 6ssl71
This was beautifully written. It captured the emotions and essence of the episode. So sad Michelle died.
5/11/2017 c1 13Dramamama5
Beautifully done. No worries. I totally agree with the ending of this episode. The impact would have been the same had they let her live. In fact, I kept expecting her to be standing there after everyone parted sad to find I was wrong.
5/11/2017 c1 128Mulderette
This episode still gets to me every time I think about it. I feel so bad for them, but especially Sam. Nicely done.

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