Just In
for Ichigo: The Ultimate

6/10/2017 c4 Guest
Actually I kinda liked it. He got god-like for sure, but those abilities that were not described gives me the feeling of cliffhanger and it is making me want to know. Please continue this fanfiction.
6/11/2017 c4 Secret Fantasy Reader
I love this story it is the best opi ichigo fanfiction I have read yet. please up date soon I love this story, can't wait to see what happens when ichigo goes to the soul society
6/11/2017 c4 6Heartfang
Word of advice, delete/replace notice chapters once you have a new chapter available. FFN will not allow you to post new stuff if you don't do that after awhile because it goes against the guidelines you have agreed to. If you want to keep these notices, copy and paste them to the bottom of your next written chapter before you post it.
6/10/2017 c4 14Enjali
No, prob. ;)
6/10/2017 c4 Arraia
Will you have ichigo x harem?
Senao can be ichigo x harribel or ichigo x yoruichi?
Update soon please this fanfic is perfect and deserving of the top 10 best and only the comments in this type of message because people usually jump them to continue the story and then make your comments.
Will ichigo have multiple zanpakutous?
6/10/2017 c4 julianvbek1
This is a good story, I always hated how Ichigo was so weak at the beginning of the series. But I wouldn't have done Ichiruki pairing.
6/9/2017 c3 8Johnny Spectre
Most would do a cosmic reset of sorts, but the when you bring everything right out of the gate, it's definitely a sense of curiosity as to what can change in the story.
6/9/2017 c1 Thread
You spend more effort telling us how you are not doing something than you can just doing a brief summary or skipping all together. This is frankly lazy and unnecessary self insertion. Looked like you had a decent crack fic in the making but until did another self insert written as part of the narrative where you said you we're going to describe the scene [that's how the written form works] and then go on to describe it.
6/2/2017 c3 KamiKageRyuuketsu
to immature and chilflike for my tastes child bye. maybe when you grow up experience life and become more serious ill take you serious until then bye.
5/28/2017 c3 Dr1zzy
Good start ! Why didn't he just kick byakuyas ass
5/28/2017 c3 KeyofSolomon.M.E
need more ... Rukia Ichigo is best!
5/28/2017 c3 DynastyJ
best line in the book"flashback nigga".
5/27/2017 c3 14Enjali
I know you wanted to make this 5,000 words, but I like where it ended. I did see a few mistakes, but nothing bad. :) I say this is a great chapter. Just please, just keep it as an IchiRuki. Please, do not make this where Ichigo is dating a lot of girls, I'm begging you! :( That is all I ask for.
5/27/2017 c3 Arraia
Perfect and update soon please
Ichigo x harribel or ichigo x harem
5/23/2017 c2 38StringDman
I Like This.
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