Just In
for An Elf's broken heart

5/31/2018 c1 Anonymous
Im so confused, i mean it was good but, did legolas die? Is there supposed to be more?
5/20/2018 c1 Mysterious Opinionated Person
I loved this story. Are you going to continue it? Maybe the scene when Aragorn comes back? This is a great characterisation of both Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, I hope you write more!
10/2/2017 c1 12TheBlackShadow1210
So cuteWill you continue this story? I liked this strong friendship among them all. It's beautiful, although, I think you could describe more of, uh, I don't know how to say it. More of deep feelings of Legolas and Aragorn, you know, something what will really shows their true friendship, for example when there is Aragorn's POV he could think even more of Legolas. But it is only my suggestion, your story is very veey good! :D
5/18/2017 c1 19AndurilofTolkien
aw love

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