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for Pokemon emerald gijinka nuzlocke (Hiatus)

11/24/2018 c2 48WyldClaw
I liked how Mint saved sam
11/20/2018 c1 WyldClaw
I loved the descriptions of the gijinaka pokemon
7/10/2017 c8 EnderLight25
please continue with "Life in Another World"!
i miss that story already XD
7/2/2017 c7 EnderLight25
I already love the unknown pokemon!
i wonder who it will be?
i deffinetly ship him and the girl XD
6/26/2017 c6 EnderLight25
great chapter!

little question: is this the intro to the character i helped develop or os this another character? D
6/19/2017 c5 EnderLight25
Tanner is cute!XD
Can't wait for the next one, i really want the story to get intense D
6/11/2017 c4 EnderLight25
a really good chapter!
can't wait for more.
6/4/2017 c3 EnderLight25
Chances story is so sad D
didn't really expect that...

but regardless it was a really good chapter, i really liked it XD
5/28/2017 c2 EnderLight25
DA? what is that? XD
amazing chapter, i really like Mint's personality.
i am currently sick so between reading this and watching youtube in my bed videos i'm having the best day ever.

love your stories D
5/21/2017 c1 EnderLight25
can't wait to see how this story develops. i'm expecting a lot from it.

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