1/31 c53 Guest
I absolutely love this story and hope you continue it soon. It's well written and engaging. Keep up the good work and post soon.
I absolutely love this story and hope you continue it soon. It's well written and engaging. Keep up the good work and post soon.
1/12 c53 BashForFUN
very good story, sadly it seems that it will not be completely.
still it was a pleasure to read this, so thank you for sharing ig with us.
and if you ever start wrting again i hope that you might retuj to this and finish it for all the fans who would love to know how this all will play out.
very good story, sadly it seems that it will not be completely.
still it was a pleasure to read this, so thank you for sharing ig with us.
and if you ever start wrting again i hope that you might retuj to this and finish it for all the fans who would love to know how this all will play out.
1/3 c53 Ollie
Can you do more chapters please. Please tell me you haven’t given up it a really good fanfic
Can you do more chapters please. Please tell me you haven’t given up it a really good fanfic
11/20/2024 c48
Fuck Harry Potter whinny little shit. He thinks he's the only one with scars and to be abused. Oh boo hoo. If I was Sirius I would have beat his ass for that. Amelia should have stepped on his head along time ago. He's an abusive, whinny, reckless piece of shit and this story would have been way better if he actually got held accountable for the bullshit he did to people first through fourth hmyear in the name of 'oh I was abused let me be a dick' 'oh I have scars let me milk it and use it as an excuse to do whatever I want. Fucking stupid. Call me cruel if you want but he has done nothing but put people down and lack growth all because he feels sorry for himself. Fuck this harry potter. Everything else I like the story concept. The action is awesome the bond is cool. Thanks for sharing regardless but I can't continue not after the Sirius scene I'm over the stupid mother fucking crybaby that is harry potter in your story. Best of luck though in the future.

Fuck Harry Potter whinny little shit. He thinks he's the only one with scars and to be abused. Oh boo hoo. If I was Sirius I would have beat his ass for that. Amelia should have stepped on his head along time ago. He's an abusive, whinny, reckless piece of shit and this story would have been way better if he actually got held accountable for the bullshit he did to people first through fourth hmyear in the name of 'oh I was abused let me be a dick' 'oh I have scars let me milk it and use it as an excuse to do whatever I want. Fucking stupid. Call me cruel if you want but he has done nothing but put people down and lack growth all because he feels sorry for himself. Fuck this harry potter. Everything else I like the story concept. The action is awesome the bond is cool. Thanks for sharing regardless but I can't continue not after the Sirius scene I'm over the stupid mother fucking crybaby that is harry potter in your story. Best of luck though in the future.
10/5/2024 c13 dragonheart117
meh, the slap ruined the immersion, along with the everything is harrys fault thing with everyone else being the root cause. So I read the comments. It seems like it doesn't change. Its quite a good read, but I'm dropping, however, I might come back.
meh, the slap ruined the immersion, along with the everything is harrys fault thing with everyone else being the root cause. So I read the comments. It seems like it doesn't change. Its quite a good read, but I'm dropping, however, I might come back.
10/5/2024 c11 dragonheart117
The slap thing is a tired trope. I hope harry doesn't trust hermione for a long time now. I wouldn't
Then there is the girls trying to help thing. Everyone who is trying to help is actually doing the opposite of it. The girls get the healer involved, that gets the DMLE involved, all of which is adding stress. Which gets the Mind healer involved, who is pushing too fast. I don't actually think that guy is a mind healer at all, he is actively sabotaging harry. The girls know he needs space, but keep trying to shove themselves in his face, they know that is the current problem because he has told them as such. Then when they get angry at him they do the exact same thing to him by cutting off the bond. Funny how harry is better at it than they are. Also the black out thing is another shitty trope, have him beat the shit out of malfoy instead. They actually have real beef. Could have had him taunt him about the mind healer with a crowd. It then solves 2 purposes. Make malfoy get some, and push the narrative your going for.
The relationship is very unequal too. They do whatever they want and harry is harrassed. They don't respect him at all.
The slap thing is a tired trope. I hope harry doesn't trust hermione for a long time now. I wouldn't
Then there is the girls trying to help thing. Everyone who is trying to help is actually doing the opposite of it. The girls get the healer involved, that gets the DMLE involved, all of which is adding stress. Which gets the Mind healer involved, who is pushing too fast. I don't actually think that guy is a mind healer at all, he is actively sabotaging harry. The girls know he needs space, but keep trying to shove themselves in his face, they know that is the current problem because he has told them as such. Then when they get angry at him they do the exact same thing to him by cutting off the bond. Funny how harry is better at it than they are. Also the black out thing is another shitty trope, have him beat the shit out of malfoy instead. They actually have real beef. Could have had him taunt him about the mind healer with a crowd. It then solves 2 purposes. Make malfoy get some, and push the narrative your going for.
The relationship is very unequal too. They do whatever they want and harry is harrassed. They don't respect him at all.
6/28/2024 c53 tazdad47
A question more than a review, is this story complete, or are any of your stories complete? I love reading your work, but somehow expect the final finis. Thank you tazdad47
A question more than a review, is this story complete, or are any of your stories complete? I love reading your work, but somehow expect the final finis. Thank you tazdad47
4/30/2024 c4 Guest
evil old man playing god
evil old man playing god
4/16/2024 c53 Shilmizta
This really is a fantastic story, i love it! I hope you are well and that i get to read more of it soon! :)
This really is a fantastic story, i love it! I hope you are well and that i get to read more of it soon! :)