Just In
for Mass Effect: Plan for the Galaxy

7/7/2017 c7 deadtrooper
interesting prospect. cant wait to read more.
overall an awesome chapter.
good luck and keep on writting
7/7/2017 c7 frankieu
nice chapter yay for the first pay load will be fun to see the news hitting that back at the citedel
do hope sal does not any thing stupid
7/7/2017 c7 zapper25
intresting chapter
7/1/2017 c6 zapper25
This is one hell of a heavy story keep up this great writing your characters are realy alive will await your next chapter
7/1/2017 c6 VODKA18
Good story.
6/29/2017 c6 Artyom-Dreizehn
Wow, you made me cry... It's good to have people to talk to when one experience hardship, Aleria fit the bill when it comes to that, can't help myself to compare her said cheerful personality to the MC Asari from Psi Effect. Smooth interactions between the two, kind of a shock that it was his son, still have more mysteries to answer about him on the why? Thumbs up! And love to see the next update!
6/29/2017 c6 1dekuton
well done. bout bawled my eyes out at work the moment he mentioned his son. grown ass man bout to cry. ugh. damn things anyways. well done
6/29/2017 c6 1jdude281
I like this story so far. And I think you did an especially good job at showing some of Neilson's ptsd. I also like the relationship you're building between him and Aleria. I kinda found in this chapter that when she's not being all bubbly and cheerful, but is more kind and gentle, she almost acts similar to Liara. Not quite as nieve, but still. Anyway, great job, and keep it up.
6/29/2017 c6 deadtrooper
love the chapter. good pacing. nice revelation and character development.
overall an awesome chapter.
good luck and keep on writting
6/29/2017 c6 frankieu
nice chapter thx for writing it
yay for getting the trip underway hope his isue wont be to bothersome for him
here is hoping he is going to be well off soon so he can get started building his empire and upgrading his ship
6/25/2017 c5 Guest
I had fun reading that, thanks!
6/22/2017 c5 sGuesty Guest
Hmmm, I'd have to understand the intricacies to eezo to fully expound on it, but couldn't Neilson used that much amount of eezo for other purposes than just selling? Of course, if you're on a schedule, that might be time wasted, but an element that raises and reduces mass is immense.

Lightspeed ftl projectiles for instance. Or ftl asteroids.

I don't follow where you're plan is going next, but it'll be intresting
6/22/2017 c5 1Glrasshopper
Okay, so far I am liking this but the one thing that is bothering me is that I have no idea who the hell this Jason character is. Are we at least going to get a bit of backstory somewhere about him?
6/22/2017 c5 1dekuton
i like this story to a stupid degree. please continue it good god the pet names for the asari pilot. violet pilot YES LOL
6/22/2017 c5 Artyom-Dreizehn
Love the new update! The ships name is fitting to his role as he needs to be covert and have to be fast paced in doing a significant change in a little over 2 years and that will be a challenge. Cerberus has started after the first Contact with the citadel council. Well excited to see the next update!
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