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for Mass Effect: Plan for the Galaxy

4/16/2018 c16 chowns
I really enjoyed reading this. Too many other fics just dump their character on Shepard's crew and then rewrite the games plot. I hope you continue to update.
3/12/2018 c16 1thisguyyouknow
Please,please have some impersonators from other races i could see a krogan dundee going out to uncharted planets to wrestle with the wildlife "this here is a hippo if you die trying to wrestle it then your a squishy pyjak"
3/11/2018 c16 17general-joseph-dickson
I loved the video reviews. Nice touch
3/9/2018 c1 HelloWorld2157
I started this story and followed it for a while and just came back and finished reading it again in one sitting and I have to say it's intoxicating. I love the story and the characters it's one of the most well written fanfictions I've ever seen. The characters are very well thought out and well developed to the point that they're better than many actual novels I've read. I understand that work of this quality takes time as does the Sayin Effect which is only worsened by the fact that you have a real life but when can we expect the next chapter? Is it a regular timeframe or is it a 'whenever I get to it' kind of thing?
3/7/2018 c16 Guest
When will the next chapter come? I’m loving this story!
2/8/2018 c16 Necromancy94
When I saw this story I was disappointed that it was taking time from your other story but I pleasantly enjoyed this story
1/28/2018 c16 Sneg Black
Ognut Grax's review is pure gold. Read it in a no nonsense Krogan voice
1/25/2018 c16 RIOSHO
We have been reading and enjoy this. We look forward to seeing where it goes.
1/20/2018 c16 Episoph
You have excellent character development - it is a real joy to read how they interact with each other and how they start to warp their surroundings so to speak.
The little mind games with Tevos have been my personal highlight so far and I am kind of curious if you plan to flesh out the crush Aleria seems to be developing.
I am slightly concerned that throwing convenient eezo money at problems becomes the go to solution but I suppose that is actually accurate for how the real world works at times. It is a bit surprising though, that we haven‘t seen him pop up on the radar of some of the big players; or are his activities in the big picture not yet truly noteworthy?

As a sidenote: I have read the story in one go up to this chapter and find it a bit difficult to keep track of how much time has actually passed for the protagonist. Would 4 months come close?

Anyway, I hope you keep writing and am looking forward to your next chapter!
1/8/2018 c16 Hendrik
Good work. One of the best fanfictions i have found so far.
Great ideas for the Plot and the characters.
I enjoy reading this fic, it is good and easy to read and i can not wait to read how this Story Goes on.
1/9/2018 c16 Fruityloops87
I fully cracked up at the end of this chapter. The Krogen movie critic talking about Jurassic Park was amazing.
Now on to a more serious note
Your writing is phenomenal. Between the detailing you put into the characters, settings and dialogue it completely draws the reader in. I look forward to updates constantly. Keep up the good work.
1/1/2018 c16 lisbjerg123
i could totally see a mass effect version of an AA-12 having the drum part of the gun being a revolving thermal exhaust chamber with individual thermal clips going one by one through the gun itself and then going back into the drum to cool off that one shot.
12/27/2017 c16 sonic
I liked the chapter!1
12/27/2017 c16 Guest
Oc and tevos lemon plz
12/26/2017 c16 ratatata
So not slash.
Thanks for clearing that whole Jason thing early.
Good read.
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