Just In
for Mass Effect: Plan for the Galaxy

12/11/2017 c15 Squadpunk 2.0
What they find? Prothean tech? Relics? Other resources?
12/11/2017 c15 1ArchAngel319
Thanks for another great chapter. Good luck with the next one, and as always have fun writing.
12/5/2017 c14 Jotun

I have a suggestion for adoption of the blooper. Mate the M-79 with the HK 69 "Granatpistole". The GraPi had an adjustable buttstock and was generally a bit lighter and just as accurate. Retain the ladder iron sights for either version (as a backup) but add an electronic aiming device maybe liked to some HUD in the helmet.
11/1/2017 c14 2MagicznyGosc
Hey my first review of this story.

Well to me ME universe weapons were pain in the ass.
Really, one or two shots from shotgun? Bringing back the old weapon designs will be a good step to prepare for reapers. Remember this bastards think that the whole galaxy will use ezzo tech. Mixinig old and new ideas can be a good way to go about it. Also if you are concerned about kinetic shields you must remember that they block VERY small object that have a lethal speed. Small like a sand grain. ( No really that is a size of a mass effect bullet.) So a bigger thing, like our good old 21 century bullets i think would go right through. And then they will meet the armor. But that why we have a special tipes of bullets. LOT'S of types.

Also remember that you can create a Gauss Rifle. Speed of a Mass Effect weapon but no overheat. I think.

Next thing will be a Nano suit. Just contact geth or get a sample of they metal muscle and make a suit that can synchronize it's moves with user and self repair.

And my idea is a biotic granade. People in galaxy use electro pulses that their brains make to active ezzo nodules in their bodys to make a mass fields etc. So why not use something like this in a granade. Like granade that draws object to itself on detonation. Biotics for not biotics :D

That is about weapons. Now what to do with the galaxy.

Well if i recall corectly a company can own a colony or a planet. So if you can get a dextro planet and have one of your company headquarters there, that just happends to hire many quarians. And you know. Build them a town so they can live there. Or a city.

You should know where their main base is. When you have enough resources you can attack. One good placed strike and they are done.

Shadow Broker
They same story. You know where bastard lives. Take him down and you have information network at your disposal.

Turian - Human relationship
I don't know if it is too late for Saren ( Thorian could probably help here) but you should do something to help heal old wounds. But i have no idea what.

I don't know the exact time when Sovereign come to them but if you contact them and talk with collective you can denied him resources.

Unknown Races

Raloi and Virtual Race.
You should know where Raloi are.
Virtual race live on one big starship.
"In 2185 CE, the virtual aliens' starship entered the salarian-inhabited Antilin system" Raloi would bring only a workforce i thinks so. But Virtual Race? This is a possible GOLD MINE.

Well i will happy wait for a new chapter. Hope life treats you good.
10/29/2017 c14 2MajorKO
I understand completely dude, school and real life take priority over stuff like this. Also, I gotta say, this has so far been a really good story, definitely one of the better SI stories I've read. Keep up the good work!
10/27/2017 c14 Guest
Hey! Saw your author's note there, I hope things will get better for you in school and I'm not just saying that because we want to read more of this story ;) It won't hurt to focus on that for a while and get back to a good equilibrium. If that means we have to wait longer for the next chapter, then that's fine with me.

About this chapter: yeah, I'm not the biggest fan either. Those OCs are good, but it seems we've only seen them in the first scene and for the antique weapon seller it seems to stay at only one for now. The one thing I'm not too big a fan of was your protagonist geeking out on weapons. They're without a doubt an important part of US history and society, as well as an integral part of the Mass Effect universe, but as a European reader, I totally didn't get the nerdgasm you tried for while reading this chapter. I'm sorry ;)
10/29/2017 c1 mangalover521
great work. good chapter.
10/29/2017 c14 2BJ Hanssen
I do like where this is going :)

One note though: There seems to be an implication that current-day weapons would fare well in the ME-verse. That is simply not true. The force output of even the weakest ME weapon is orders of magnitude higher than that of a current-day weapon. I've explained this so many times to people that I eventually wrote it all down in a fic on this site: Gunsmith Apprentice's Introduction to Mass Effect Weaponry. Recommend reading it, if you're going to be doing a lot of technical weapons stuff.
10/26/2017 c14 Kivdon
Only saw a couple of issues.
At one point, you used the phrase "standard clip magazine" to describe AA12 magazines that aren't drums. Obviously, there's no such thing as a "clip magazine." It would just be a box magazine.
You mentioned the AA12 firing non-lethal ammunition. While it can do this, it does not do so reliably with most standard non-lethal shells. Like most semi and full-auto shotguns, it has a tendency to fail to cycle non-lethal shells due to the lesser pressure.
You followed discussion of the M79 with some talk of the M320. You might've meant the M203. The M203 followed the M79, and the M320 followed the M203.
10/26/2017 c14 Xenozip
I love seeing their reaction to earth, especially the krogan who live in australia. It's so funny how people make out as if the enemies in the ME universe are more deadly than our own animals. Don't get me wrong, a thresher maw is fucking terrifying no doubt, but you can't compare a group of varren to a pack of wolves. As someone who has seen a pack of wolves in action, let me just say I'd definitely rather face the varren barehanded, than face the wolves when I'm armed with a gun.
10/26/2017 c14 Guest
He made a whole chapter without having a mournful flashback to the torture that subsequently convinces somebody that 'gosh, he's so damaged but strong'. That's progress, I guess.
10/27/2017 c14 scorpin17
love it thanks for the chapter
10/26/2017 c14 1Praetus Azrael Antairian
keep up the good work!
10/26/2017 c14 Artyom-Dreizehn
Also, about miniguns, it's impossible to be man portable like in movies and videogames without a huge powerpack made for the barrel rotation and feeding system, that is why miniguns are hooked up to vehicles and stuff. That is unless you have a technobable to make it work like in doom 2016 and here made the powerpack miniaturized and lighter by Eezo(kinda hazardous).
10/26/2017 c14 1ArchAngel319
Thanks for another awesome chapter. Loved your choice of weapons, and I can't wait to see Jurt being a badass with a Minigun soon. Good luck, and as always have fun writing.
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