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for Mass Effect: Plan for the Galaxy

10/26/2017 c14 Artyom-Dreizehn
Really felt in depth in this universe you have with Neilson. Are their Hardskins not power armor(i mean with the synthetic muscles and exoskeleton for support)? I thought that with all the mass effect tech they found a way to miniaturize the pack needed for exos or in this universe it is not invented to lighten the soldiers load and enhance their strength? Sorry just a nagging thought that flew to me. Anyway! Thumbs up and Love it! Looking forward to see the next one!
10/26/2017 c14 1dekuton
good chapter. looking forward to seeing how the old guns and such get modified. should prove fun in all honesty. now if can create a modified minigun? that would be epic. like the vindicator from fallout 2 which uses gauss tech. and since mass effect tech can do similar without needing ammunition I think you see where I'm going with this. maybe a rotating thermal clip system that takes a few thousands rounds before needing to swap the thermals out? I don't know. been toying with the idea in my head for awhile. also hybrid systems for when you run out of conventional ammo/thermal clips
10/26/2017 c14 DahakStaz
Okay nice Chapter, not too much happened but it was interesting in what weapons he chose. When he starts to produce his weapons there will be many people that will fall in love with them, especially Krogans:). And if he can create minigun with Ezo tech then he will have his own fan club. Also when I read about armor weight I was thinking whay the hell they don't use ezo to make armor lightest? After all their ships all use it in this purpose. Thanks for chapter.
10/26/2017 c14 1jdude281
Jurt better watch it. Theirs a reason Great Whites are known as King of the Ocean. Still good filler chapter. And I love that your bringing in automatic shotguns. The only other game i’v seen them in is gta 5, and it’s turned into my favorite gun for that game. People always seem to forget about it, but they can be quite effective.
10/26/2017 c14 frankieu
nice chapter thx for writing it
will be interesting to see him build semi modern models of the old guns he bought in the way of new materials and cheap ammo production
still hoping for a krogen vs great white death battle now :d
on the other hand would love the hear his reaction that so many small animals can even kill a krogen
10/11/2017 c13 scorpin17
love it
10/7/2017 c13 1Addlcove
I am loving this story!

looking forward to seeing what you will do with the development for your Kirik-class freighter :)
10/7/2017 c13 1ArchAngel319
Thanks for another awesome chapter. So far love the new OC characters and crew, and can't wait to see what happens in the future with them. Still curios if your going to have a romance/pairing in the future with Brock, guess we will see. Good luck, and as always have fun writing.
10/3/2017 c13 Xenozip
Not much happening, but I always did enjoy chatting with the crew in the games.
10/4/2017 c13 1dekuton
something tells me torrin and jurt will be able to bond over everybody's favorite past time
killing slavers. should be fun.
10/4/2017 c13 4Alrissa
Not bad. Massive red flags but none of them lead to anything bad. Protag is not a dick and the backstory is not herp derp stupid, rather it's plausible. I'll keep reading.
10/4/2017 c13 DahakStaz
Nice chapter, bonding with crew and little planing for future which is important. Now Brock need his own base, he can't be on Citadel all the time, and it would be cool if he would have his own space station. If Cerberus can build secretly multi kilometer space base then he with time can build his own too. And have all labs there with shipyards and all that. But that can be my children part talking, I always wanted my own secret base(I think to much Dexter Lab). But that aside its nice chapter and I will wait for next eagerly.
10/3/2017 c13 Ashborn2271
I really love your story especially the beginning and the last chapters. It makes sense to have money to be able to fight on intergalactic level. It will be better if he doesn’t join shepherd’s crew but does his own thing as the angel said in the beginning he’s there to make changes for the better and most fanfiction here are always connected to becoming shepherds dog. His personality is totally different he was able to kick Asari councillors ass lol shepherd is nothing.
10/3/2017 c13 2BJ Hanssen
I like. With Jurt joining the Blood Pack on Omega after the Blue Suns came on the scene, that makes that fairly recent history. It is canon that Garm didn't become the Blood Pack leader on Omega until *at the earliest* after 2168, when Zaeed Massani killed Gesark, the previous leader.
10/3/2017 c13 1jdude281
It just couldn't be a Mass Effect anything without crew conversations. I'm all giddy now from the nostalgia factor.
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