Just In
for Anthros and Wolves

2/22/2021 c11 alpha lover02
Will you ever continue this story?
8/6/2019 c11 9MatbeK01
Good story. I would like it if you wrote about Kate being pregnant and she and Humphrey have a cub or two.
7/23/2019 c11 2KeithTheLoneWolf
Now all Humphrey has to worry about is Eve wanting to choke him almost to death haha. It looks like the wolves had a good time just like the Anthros. I'm really glad you started updating this story again. It's been a while since the latest update. Can't wait for the next chapter!
7/23/2019 c11 imjustlikehumphery
Great chapter raven, keep it up! Didn't expect that wolf Kate would have seen anthro Kate and Humphrey havin sex but guess for wolf Humphrey that was a good thing based on them bein the first wolves to mate in the cowgirl position. As if more needs to be said they did take each others virginity as well. I know that Humphrey's den and now their den is far from the center of the pack but lets just hope that their howls and such weren't too loud as to not alert any wolf to what they're doin. Can't wait for the next chapter!
8/25/2018 c10 Guest
Man that was a really really wet chapter, I almost came close to flooding my entire trailor! Congrates on proposing to you're girlfriend Raven, I wish you two the best of luck. I would also love to say that you did a fantastic job on this lemon chapter as well. Can't wait for the next chapter!
8/26/2018 c10 KeithTheLoneWolf
Well that was a very wet chapter to read, I'm really surprised I didn't floor my room lol. Great job on the chapter man, really love the description of it. I really hope you start updating this story more often. It is a great story to always read. Keep up the fantastic work Raven! Can't wait for the next chapter!
8/25/2018 c10 imjustlikehumphery
Great chapter and second lemon raven, keep it up! I honestly didn't think Kate would be that horny after the night before but good thing for Humphrey's sake I was wrong. Congrats on ur marriage by the way raven. I hope both of u have a happy life together. Can't wait for the next chapter!
8/25/2018 c10 6NoRoleModelz98
You know I loves the FUN TIME!
8/25/2018 c10 3Troy Groomes
Kate trying for 6 kids
8/25/2018 c10 The Return of the Enclave
Good job
7/5/2018 c9 SJTG9ZH85X4UT6P3GF2Q42G8
So this is what happens when you're horny but still in recovery mode lmao. you channel your lust to Humphrey and Kate. :D
7/5/2018 c9 6NoRoleModelz98
I nutted I feel ashamed, but nevertheless I hope thier kids look better than they did in the sequels!
7/4/2018 c9 imjustlikehumphery
Great chapter raven, keep it up! Nice lemon of anthro Kate and Humphrey I'd think. Well made indeed raven. Wonder where wolf Kate and Humphrey are during all this though? Can't wait for the next chapter!
7/4/2018 c9 The Return of the Enclave
Good job as man Kate and Humphrey are horny. Makes me think when is Kate going get pregnant. As it’s fun in games tell the baby comes. So you have a good night tell next time.
7/4/2018 c9 3Troy Groomes
Nice chapter mon amies , I believe eve is going to show up unexpectedly
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