Just In
for Alone

6/17/2021 c1 Tatsukoi
I Love these fics when Alm thinks about his father and has a little time reflect about what he did.
6/3/2017 c1 Will
I agree with you, it would have been great to have more of the Ram squad's interactions. I also love how you encapsulated Alm's feeling of isolation despite the fact that he had a host of friends who were with him since the very beginning.
6/2/2017 c1 11A Furry Cat
I had Kliff kill Rudolf and the story acted as if Alm did it. Maybe Rudolf has special battle dialogue, idk.

Anyway, I love this one shot! Great work.
6/1/2017 c1 11Gunslingers-White-Rose
I love this. I live for shipping, but friendship is also good too.
6/1/2017 c1 1reidiantdawn
Aww, this is sweet~ I like seeing friendships over shipping, to be honest, so this is really nice. I wish optional recruits got more love, since being optional means Faye and Kliff don't get story lines past the prologue.
Also, I enjoy the idea of Alm and Celica actually seeing the scenes inside the memory prisms, because their reactions would be pretty interesting.

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