Just In
for Mission: Agents' Missing Wardrobe Unite

5/16 c7 Cyborg99
Are you going to update this story and others soon because its almost been a year since the last update.
5/8/2020 c6 Leonardo
I am very happy for you to post chapters of your wonderful stories again. You are one of my favorite fanfiction writers. I sincerely wish you many years of life and creativity.
5/2/2020 c6 11OMAC001
Looks like the Fashionistas are out of style!
2/16/2019 c5 Guest
The pages of The MUSHU Verse and Pacifica's Revenge on TV Tropes need updating .
6/13/2018 c4 nightmaster000
Excellent chapter. :)
6/13/2018 c4 OMAC001
Guessing there's a big network of bad guys to deal with. Hope the heroes can handle it!
2/28/2018 c3 47Alisi Thorndyke
I finally have some down time to read and relax, despite my new work schedule. :) But what I really need to do, is check out Get Ace. I saw it on Hulu, so I will look into it before next week! :)

But overall, great job on the chap. :) It's rather bad when a villian looks to his mother for help lol!

Oh and the Wreck It Ralph 2 trailer is up on Youtube! :) Check it out as I will do the same with all of the other missed updates. :)

Alisi Thorndyke :)
1/23/2018 c3 11OMAC001
Looks like the Fashonistas are about to get a lot of company!
8/22/2017 c2 35CMR Rosa
Another good chapter, sorry for reviewing so late. I love Bruno and Jarlesburg talk about Leecy, Bruno right Leecy has great potential but she want to be a spy for the wrong reason, she can change in time, but now not the right time for her to be part of the team.
8/11/2017 c2 11OMAC001
Looks like a lot of bad guys involved at least on the edges. Who the computer genius though?
7/2/2017 c1 47Alisi Thorndyke
Look who finally made it back! And it's about time too! XD But great start to another story. :)

Before I read your end note, I was surely going to ask if Ace was from Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, but you answered the question for all of us lol!

There was a 2015 version of Inspector Gadget? I haven't seen that show or Bruno the Kid since I was a kid XD It's good to visit old memories, but looking forward to an update to this. :) Now I just have to catch up with the other updates I've missed out on. :)

Good work!

Alisi T.
6/26/2017 c1 60Owenfan01
Man, I thought I was the only person who even remembered Bruno the Kid even existed. That makes me feel so old, and I'm only 35.
6/24/2017 c1 wanderer21
Bruno the kid was nostalgic. I only saw the movie but he was a great character. Never heard of Get Ace or Smarty Pants but interesting nonetheless. I only know of Penny from the classic version, will look her up later. Good chapter.
6/21/2017 c1 35CMR Rosa
This story is as great as I thought it would be, I love Bruno the Kid as a child, the whole series is on youtube in case you did not know, you did a great job with the characters from Agent Smartypants characters, here hoping that made into a full series, those I was a little disappointed Gage sisters Taylor not joining them, she was one of my favorite characters.
6/11/2017 c1 1Araitsume
This is off to a good start, though I'm starting to think that your main purpose for writing these crossovers to give obscure shows free exposure. Not that I'm complaining. Considering that this story takes place during Hero Appreciation Week, I assume the events occur alongside those in "Vacationing Hero Families Unite", right?
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