5/3/2018 c1 ThornsandBrambles
Hello I just finished the first part of this incredible tale and I have to say that it really moved me. Right off the bat, my heart broke for Joan and the miserable childhood that she had. She didn't deserve to be treated like anything other than the beloved princess she was and should have been worshiped and pampered to within an inch of her life. I'm positive that I even shed tears when I read about her loneliness and isolation.
I absolutely hate Elia and, by extension, her despicable children. This level of loathing is usually only reserved for certain Lannisters, Ramsey Snow, and child-abusing Catelyn Tully. I actually regretted that Gregor Clegane didn't take the initiative in this fic to invade the Red Keep and kill them all in their beds. They seem to have absolutely no redeeming features. Sure Elia's children were young at the time, but that's no excuse to ignore human decency. I don't buy their repentance now. Too little too late. Joan could have been horribly tortured and dead all those years for all they cared. The same goes for Rhaegar. Let him descend into his inherited madness and kill himself off. Good riddance.
I wish Lyanna could show up and kick everyone's ass. Or at least Ned, with the full force of the North and Riverlands/Vale behind him. It's time for Ned to make his marriage to Catelyn useful again. A Stark is worth a thousand of every Targaryen or Martell, including the mutts. I was totally ready to worship the BAMF Fem!Jon and watch as she absolutely destroyed everyone around her. These tend to be the stories that I like, so I buckled down and got ready for the ride, sure that I would enjoy every moment; until the last part of this chapter.
Why? Oh, why did it have to become one of those fics? I'm not the biggest fan of Femslash. I'm sure many people enjoy these types of stories, and I do too at times, but a warning would have been nice so that I could have prepared my expectations. Though, I'm definitely not into the orgy of Rhaegar's offspring- Yuck.
There's no way that Joan would have gotten over her anger and bitterness toward her 'family' that fast. And for her to want to engage in a Targaryen incest clusterf*ck right off the bat is definitely hard to believe. Aegon would have been a stretch, but under the right circumstances... For her to be tempted by Visenya, the one sibling who is the most hostile to her and who stole everything from her, including her name... No. Just no. And what is up with her. Visenya just dropped her clothes like it was no big deal. Her character is definitely not doing Dorne any favors by living up to the reputation that Westeros has about the Dornish- The women are born whores and the men incapable of anything but sating their base desires be it violence or lust.
I'm no prude, but I would have enjoyed this story much more if it was a love triangle btwn Aegon and his sisters by Elia vs Joan. I feel it would have made more sense and been more desirable as a plotline than the free-for-all that seems to be the way the story is heading.
I would have rather read about the continuing jealousy and competition btwn Rhaegar's younger daughters, Visenya and Joan. It was by far the most fascinating aspect of the story and worthy of being further explored and deepened, especially once Aegon's growing interest in Joan became known. I got the impression that Visenya seemed to be the favorite of the sister-wives. Probably bc of her youth and beauty, much like the original Rhaenys for Aegon the conquorer. I doubt she would have taken it well when she noticed that Aegon's wandering eye had landed on Joan. Talk about a slap in the face.
A better plot device would have been for Joan to stealthily nurture Aegon's interest and use it to her advantage to enact an insidious revenge against her estranged family. Maybe Aegon puts his sisters aside in order to wed his newly returned half-sister Ann Boleyn style. Rhaegar would hardly be able to blame his heir for falling under the spell of a beautiful and mysterious Stark girl. That would be hypocritical. I'm sure that his future grandchildren would thank him. If it gets Elia's nose out of joint, who cares? She should have known better than to alienate a family member no matter how powerless and friendless she thought they were. Blackfyre Rebellion, anyone? All sins always come home to roost and she would deserve to have her daughters cast aside and scorned. If Dorne revolts and the kingdom burns, oh well. Peace is so boring.
Sorry, I do get carried away. To be honest, I did enjoy this chapter, all things considered, and I'm sure I will return to it again and continue to think about it. But I probably won't finish reading the rest. Thank you for taking the time to write your story.
Hello I just finished the first part of this incredible tale and I have to say that it really moved me. Right off the bat, my heart broke for Joan and the miserable childhood that she had. She didn't deserve to be treated like anything other than the beloved princess she was and should have been worshiped and pampered to within an inch of her life. I'm positive that I even shed tears when I read about her loneliness and isolation.
I absolutely hate Elia and, by extension, her despicable children. This level of loathing is usually only reserved for certain Lannisters, Ramsey Snow, and child-abusing Catelyn Tully. I actually regretted that Gregor Clegane didn't take the initiative in this fic to invade the Red Keep and kill them all in their beds. They seem to have absolutely no redeeming features. Sure Elia's children were young at the time, but that's no excuse to ignore human decency. I don't buy their repentance now. Too little too late. Joan could have been horribly tortured and dead all those years for all they cared. The same goes for Rhaegar. Let him descend into his inherited madness and kill himself off. Good riddance.
I wish Lyanna could show up and kick everyone's ass. Or at least Ned, with the full force of the North and Riverlands/Vale behind him. It's time for Ned to make his marriage to Catelyn useful again. A Stark is worth a thousand of every Targaryen or Martell, including the mutts. I was totally ready to worship the BAMF Fem!Jon and watch as she absolutely destroyed everyone around her. These tend to be the stories that I like, so I buckled down and got ready for the ride, sure that I would enjoy every moment; until the last part of this chapter.
Why? Oh, why did it have to become one of those fics? I'm not the biggest fan of Femslash. I'm sure many people enjoy these types of stories, and I do too at times, but a warning would have been nice so that I could have prepared my expectations. Though, I'm definitely not into the orgy of Rhaegar's offspring- Yuck.
There's no way that Joan would have gotten over her anger and bitterness toward her 'family' that fast. And for her to want to engage in a Targaryen incest clusterf*ck right off the bat is definitely hard to believe. Aegon would have been a stretch, but under the right circumstances... For her to be tempted by Visenya, the one sibling who is the most hostile to her and who stole everything from her, including her name... No. Just no. And what is up with her. Visenya just dropped her clothes like it was no big deal. Her character is definitely not doing Dorne any favors by living up to the reputation that Westeros has about the Dornish- The women are born whores and the men incapable of anything but sating their base desires be it violence or lust.
I'm no prude, but I would have enjoyed this story much more if it was a love triangle btwn Aegon and his sisters by Elia vs Joan. I feel it would have made more sense and been more desirable as a plotline than the free-for-all that seems to be the way the story is heading.
I would have rather read about the continuing jealousy and competition btwn Rhaegar's younger daughters, Visenya and Joan. It was by far the most fascinating aspect of the story and worthy of being further explored and deepened, especially once Aegon's growing interest in Joan became known. I got the impression that Visenya seemed to be the favorite of the sister-wives. Probably bc of her youth and beauty, much like the original Rhaenys for Aegon the conquorer. I doubt she would have taken it well when she noticed that Aegon's wandering eye had landed on Joan. Talk about a slap in the face.
A better plot device would have been for Joan to stealthily nurture Aegon's interest and use it to her advantage to enact an insidious revenge against her estranged family. Maybe Aegon puts his sisters aside in order to wed his newly returned half-sister Ann Boleyn style. Rhaegar would hardly be able to blame his heir for falling under the spell of a beautiful and mysterious Stark girl. That would be hypocritical. I'm sure that his future grandchildren would thank him. If it gets Elia's nose out of joint, who cares? She should have known better than to alienate a family member no matter how powerless and friendless she thought they were. Blackfyre Rebellion, anyone? All sins always come home to roost and she would deserve to have her daughters cast aside and scorned. If Dorne revolts and the kingdom burns, oh well. Peace is so boring.
Sorry, I do get carried away. To be honest, I did enjoy this chapter, all things considered, and I'm sure I will return to it again and continue to think about it. But I probably won't finish reading the rest. Thank you for taking the time to write your story.
4/20/2018 c2 mrs Tall Blonde and Dead
I don’t think she should’ve forgiven them so easily and I don’t like that she married them
I don’t think she should’ve forgiven them so easily and I don’t like that she married them
3/30/2018 c2 CrystalVixen93
Love your story and can't wait to see what happens next so I hope you update again soon plz
Love your story and can't wait to see what happens next so I hope you update again soon plz
3/24/2018 c1 Guest
ughh that was good untill the end...
ughh that was good untill the end...
3/11/2018 c2 Nagraj
I don't think the three headed dragons are going to do anything in the prophecy or the actual war it is just another thing of George Martin to confuse the readers or otherwise the tv series would have mentioned it not just the Prince that was promised.
I don't think the three headed dragons are going to do anything in the prophecy or the actual war it is just another thing of George Martin to confuse the readers or otherwise the tv series would have mentioned it not just the Prince that was promised.
3/11/2018 c1 Nagraj
Wait why would faith won't recognize the wedding beneath the tree after all it is the main tradition of North and no matter how much south doesn't like them faith of seven still recognize it as marriage and other traditions of North.
Wait why would faith won't recognize the wedding beneath the tree after all it is the main tradition of North and no matter how much south doesn't like them faith of seven still recognize it as marriage and other traditions of North.
1/15/2018 c2 Guest
11/20/2017 c2 of Serendip
I am the king. I must be the example for all others to follow. I must think of the realm as a whole. I must think of it first before I think of my family. Other kings have thought of themselves or their families first and those actions have caused chaos in the Seven Kingdoms. I did the same once and threw Westeros into a war. I will not let that happened." He looked hard at you. "When you refused the egg, I was angry that you would refuse something that would help bring the realm together. That is why I snapped at you."
I’m sorry but that was just weak and lame. What he did to her just show that he condoned and agreed with bullying. It says that he would stand by and let his blood bullying their own blood. It shows him to be unjust and horrible father and weak husband.
I seriously think Joan let him off lightly. And Visenya insulted Joan again and didn’t bother to apologise again.
I feel like she will forever be a second classes citizen in her family.
I am the king. I must be the example for all others to follow. I must think of the realm as a whole. I must think of it first before I think of my family. Other kings have thought of themselves or their families first and those actions have caused chaos in the Seven Kingdoms. I did the same once and threw Westeros into a war. I will not let that happened." He looked hard at you. "When you refused the egg, I was angry that you would refuse something that would help bring the realm together. That is why I snapped at you."
I’m sorry but that was just weak and lame. What he did to her just show that he condoned and agreed with bullying. It says that he would stand by and let his blood bullying their own blood. It shows him to be unjust and horrible father and weak husband.
I seriously think Joan let him off lightly. And Visenya insulted Joan again and didn’t bother to apologise again.
I feel like she will forever be a second classes citizen in her family.
11/16/2017 c2 Guest
it may be mean but stay true if Elia and Rhaelle still try to make her life hell and never be nice to Joan. it would be funny to see if Joan give the first son the reaction would be priceless P.S. please dont stop or make it like the other game of thrones fanfic ending was the worst . I mean really a 20 year time skip then a 1000 year please that was very bad and I've read fairy tail(ending)
it may be mean but stay true if Elia and Rhaelle still try to make her life hell and never be nice to Joan. it would be funny to see if Joan give the first son the reaction would be priceless P.S. please dont stop or make it like the other game of thrones fanfic ending was the worst . I mean really a 20 year time skip then a 1000 year please that was very bad and I've read fairy tail(ending)
11/16/2017 c2 Shizuka-naru Goketsu
Gotta say I always love your GoT/ASoIaF fics, they may be short but they're always decently written with a unique plot.
Gotta say I always love your GoT/ASoIaF fics, they may be short but they're always decently written with a unique plot.