Just In
for Emergence of the Dragon

11/7/2017 c2 ThelonewolfNT
11/7/2017 c2 nyx'godness
Awesome fic!
11/7/2017 c2 Guest
a good work! curious to read your next story!
11/6/2017 c2 25Arantxa2020
I’m glad that this story was continued. Keep up the good work.
11/6/2017 c2 chanarue
Dany's dragon dreams aren't like the starks' wolf dreams, she doesn't see herself as the dragon, leading me to believe that they are in fact two different abilities. Also there is no sign of them forming skinchanging bonds with other animals (except Bloodraven who claimed he got the ability from his mother's side) while Arya does form these connections with other animals in Bravoos.
Most ancient or medieval cities had very small populations inside the city and large populations outside of the city that would move into the city during wartime (historical example Athens actually was more over populated than Kingslanding is described to be during the pelopponsian wars and that triggered a massive plague possibly leading to them loosing the war). while the city stinks most medieval cities did and the city was not notably overcrowded until refugees started arriving.
11/6/2017 c1 Arantxa2020
Didn't you write this same story for AO3?
11/6/2017 c1 lightwalnut64
elia is such a bitch, here's to hoping she'll be the first casualty of the great war. great story, i absolutely love it
11/5/2017 c2 1Amoymon
Good story, I liked the delopment between Joan and all her interactions with characters. Incest is wincest.
11/5/2017 c2 8Jebest4781
well this was interesting
11/5/2017 c2 tacomaster0928
I'm satisfied so far. gg
11/5/2017 c1 Jebest4781
well this was interesting on what you've done here. can't wait to see more on what changes you'll do
10/14/2017 c1 James1996
Very good first chapter I look forward to reading more in future if you continue to write this.
9/17/2017 c1 12ol-11jrw
Brilliant first chapter, hope Joan goes to Essos, build her own life
9/10/2017 c1 84fujin of shadows
I love this. I don't even mind the incest or Joan being with her siblings. It just showed that Joan is capable of moving on with her life.
8/30/2017 c1 1Serenebelle
This story is amazing
I actually cried while reading Joan's childhood
I read Visenya first on AO3 and I really like your alternate take on the story of female Jon
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