8/24/2017 c1
I like this approach to the game. Also is each chapter going to end with Joan ending up with one of her siblings? Good luck and I hope to see another chapter soon!

I like this approach to the game. Also is each chapter going to end with Joan ending up with one of her siblings? Good luck and I hope to see another chapter soon!
8/12/2017 c1 KasumiKeiko
I would have though living along side the Starks and Free Folks would have giving her bad feelings about incest. Plus she tried, they tried to use her to pop the dragon, no need to try any more. Elia and Rhae still treat her like crap.
I would have though living along side the Starks and Free Folks would have giving her bad feelings about incest. Plus she tried, they tried to use her to pop the dragon, no need to try any more. Elia and Rhae still treat her like crap.
7/29/2017 c1
2Kail Blade
Don't usually read gender bender fics, but I figured I give it a shot. It's interesting, but I can't help but wonder what would happen if it was Jon instead, and Aegon died. Jon would be forced to marry his sisters and become the third dragon head. Could be a plot bunny to pass on...

Don't usually read gender bender fics, but I figured I give it a shot. It's interesting, but I can't help but wonder what would happen if it was Jon instead, and Aegon died. Jon would be forced to marry his sisters and become the third dragon head. Could be a plot bunny to pass on...
7/28/2017 c1 francisvirus
well. another great fic from your hands and mind, i do believe joan could beat robert, as u say seeing lyanna(in his mind) ofc he's gonna bloody freeze in shock
well. another great fic from your hands and mind, i do believe joan could beat robert, as u say seeing lyanna(in his mind) ofc he's gonna bloody freeze in shock
7/28/2017 c1
10Jade Celandine
I can't seem to find the second fic recommendation. Is it possible to have a link? Please and Thank You!

I can't seem to find the second fic recommendation. Is it possible to have a link? Please and Thank You!
7/21/2017 c1 Guest 123456
Very nice rewrite of the chapter and everything, but ... when can we see the sequel?
Very nice rewrite of the chapter and everything, but ... when can we see the sequel?
7/10/2017 c1 Guest
I think it would be new if you put JoanxVisenya in a way where Joan still hates Aegon and Rhaenys but loves Visenya. I think this would be new and great. Loves this and hope to see you soon.
I think it would be new if you put JoanxVisenya in a way where Joan still hates Aegon and Rhaenys but loves Visenya. I think this would be new and great. Loves this and hope to see you soon.
7/8/2017 c1 Guest
6/23/2017 c1 sociallyineptextrovert
Great story but the ending was awful. Why would Joan forgive the dicks that are her half-siblings?!
It'd be so much better if she just fucked off North to the Starks or something!
Joan: "You're not my family. Once, I may have wished for such, but now I know better. The Starks are my family. You're just some cunts that I, unfortunately, happen to share blood with!"
Great story but the ending was awful. Why would Joan forgive the dicks that are her half-siblings?!
It'd be so much better if she just fucked off North to the Starks or something!
Joan: "You're not my family. Once, I may have wished for such, but now I know better. The Starks are my family. You're just some cunts that I, unfortunately, happen to share blood with!"
6/18/2017 c1
Word of warning in advance. This review isn't just mindless praise. There are genuine criticisms in here. So if you're overly sensitive/protective of your work or something you might not wanna keep reading.
If your still here, Yay.
Ok. This fic... I really want to like. But it really does have several problems. Primarily that it heavilly pushes two aspects to the point of near absurdity.
A) Woe is me/Pity Party
B) Mary sue.
Joan's whole life is literally one long song played on the world smallest violin. Everything is a tragedy, everything is so unfair, stacked against her and just aimed at making her completely and totally miserable.
Then you see how she's a great warrior, a pragmatic fighter, a self made woman and so on and so forth.
These things are like... seasoning. Add a little bit, or 'just enough' and it adds alot of flavor and enjoyment to whatever they're added to.
Add too much and it just overpowers the taste/ruins the meal.
Which is honestly too bad because there really are ALOT of good ideas here that can really make this thing into a GREAT Fic.
The very notion that the 'Mad King' is the only one to show her kindness alone would have been enough to hook virtually anyone. You had the potential to explore that relationship/interaction but then completely squandered it. Aerys got 1 section of screen time and little to nothing else.
The thought that the Targaryen siblings would take after Elia's opinions of her, and that Rhaegar would lose interest in her once he had his second daughter and that, thus, he didn't need Joan anymore to fulfill the prophecy of Azor Ahai would have been a similarly good avenue to explore but was A) Woefully underdeveloped and B) Incredibly exaggerated until it was a parody of itself.
Similarly her ability/freedom to break the Westerosi norms on 'Warrior Women' by being both a Bastard born girl and a Targaryen is equally understated and oversimplified.
When you get to the characters themselves the same problem of 'under-development' rears its head.
You have so many side characters you have, crammed into so small a space that none of them get their proper screen time, as such, none really get their proper development, not even Joan, who comes the closest to actually being fleshed out.
We don't see her interactions with her cousins in the north, or Ned Stark, we don't see details on Rhaella, Aegon, Visenya, Danny, or Viseris. We don't even see proper exploration of Elia Martell and how she's become so embitered given her siblings and her Dornish culture which is significantly more forgiving towards Bastards, not blaming them for their parents infidelities.
There's no *substance* to these people. They're just thin, card board cut-outs. 2D pictures with a thin 3D spray paint.
I know you have no real reason to heed this advice but I genuinely believe that the very best thing you can do for this story is to take it down, and break it up. With all the content you crammed in here you have enough potential content for 10 chapters at minimum, 15 if you really wanna do it justice.
Hell, I'd even be willing to help through PMs and such. But even if you don't want my help you really should consider doing the re-write/rework. You really have alot of potential here. Please don't waste it :(

Word of warning in advance. This review isn't just mindless praise. There are genuine criticisms in here. So if you're overly sensitive/protective of your work or something you might not wanna keep reading.
If your still here, Yay.
Ok. This fic... I really want to like. But it really does have several problems. Primarily that it heavilly pushes two aspects to the point of near absurdity.
A) Woe is me/Pity Party
B) Mary sue.
Joan's whole life is literally one long song played on the world smallest violin. Everything is a tragedy, everything is so unfair, stacked against her and just aimed at making her completely and totally miserable.
Then you see how she's a great warrior, a pragmatic fighter, a self made woman and so on and so forth.
These things are like... seasoning. Add a little bit, or 'just enough' and it adds alot of flavor and enjoyment to whatever they're added to.
Add too much and it just overpowers the taste/ruins the meal.
Which is honestly too bad because there really are ALOT of good ideas here that can really make this thing into a GREAT Fic.
The very notion that the 'Mad King' is the only one to show her kindness alone would have been enough to hook virtually anyone. You had the potential to explore that relationship/interaction but then completely squandered it. Aerys got 1 section of screen time and little to nothing else.
The thought that the Targaryen siblings would take after Elia's opinions of her, and that Rhaegar would lose interest in her once he had his second daughter and that, thus, he didn't need Joan anymore to fulfill the prophecy of Azor Ahai would have been a similarly good avenue to explore but was A) Woefully underdeveloped and B) Incredibly exaggerated until it was a parody of itself.
Similarly her ability/freedom to break the Westerosi norms on 'Warrior Women' by being both a Bastard born girl and a Targaryen is equally understated and oversimplified.
When you get to the characters themselves the same problem of 'under-development' rears its head.
You have so many side characters you have, crammed into so small a space that none of them get their proper screen time, as such, none really get their proper development, not even Joan, who comes the closest to actually being fleshed out.
We don't see her interactions with her cousins in the north, or Ned Stark, we don't see details on Rhaella, Aegon, Visenya, Danny, or Viseris. We don't even see proper exploration of Elia Martell and how she's become so embitered given her siblings and her Dornish culture which is significantly more forgiving towards Bastards, not blaming them for their parents infidelities.
There's no *substance* to these people. They're just thin, card board cut-outs. 2D pictures with a thin 3D spray paint.
I know you have no real reason to heed this advice but I genuinely believe that the very best thing you can do for this story is to take it down, and break it up. With all the content you crammed in here you have enough potential content for 10 chapters at minimum, 15 if you really wanna do it justice.
Hell, I'd even be willing to help through PMs and such. But even if you don't want my help you really should consider doing the re-write/rework. You really have alot of potential here. Please don't waste it :(
6/16/2017 c1 Sciny
Well this is certainly interesting story. Your idea with the dragon having four heads is certainly sound. I am curious about how relationships between Joan/Aegon/Rhaenys/Visenya and rest of her family will progress. I can't wait for more.
Well this is certainly interesting story. Your idea with the dragon having four heads is certainly sound. I am curious about how relationships between Joan/Aegon/Rhaenys/Visenya and rest of her family will progress. I can't wait for more.
6/16/2017 c1 DarkFriday1408
Very nice story!
I just have two questions. Will it be continued with other chapters or is this all? And if it will, will all other chapters be this long?
Good luck and happy writing.
Very nice story!
I just have two questions. Will it be continued with other chapters or is this all? And if it will, will all other chapters be this long?
Good luck and happy writing.
6/13/2017 c1
Interesting story, I must say I was surprised on the whole journey that hard. I believed that in the end, Joan leaves the king's landing, and would go north, a Winterfell again. Although the end does not displease me, after all, the title clearly stated what the story proposed, the "emergence of a dragon." I was surprised how different are the characterizations of characters like Rhaegar, Elia and Raella here. Different to your other story "another dragon, another wolf, another stag", I suppose you wanted to create a contrast between both stories and see what reactions you could create, and let me tell you that you did very well.
And as always, reading the box of comments that leave you is a taste that I can not take away, it is more entertaining than reading the same story xD ...
So much anger and so many flames of rage, as if those who write, feel that they attacked his family or something, hehe ... I am amused, I thought this of the fanfics was to have a great time, reading stories that could not Pass in the canon. What do you read then? XD ...
If this story continues, I want to see how Raella, Rhaegar and Elia act now to gain their forgiveness, the brothers cost them a little, what will become of them? Also, I would like to see what relationship Joan wins with Daenerys, since we know that Jonerys is canon now, now in this universe where Jon was born woman? Mmm so delicious
I would also like to see you show more about Joan's relationship with the crazy king Aerys! More scenes! Ironic than the one for which in many stories, Jon fears him and almost hates his paternal grandfather, here instead he is the only member of his family who accepts and calls her dragon. Is ironic, but also cute and very sad at the same time.
I can understand that Elia "hates", something strange for being she of Dorne, where they should not hate the bastards, but here, Elia seems the replacement of Catelyn Stark of the canon. But what about Raella? Because she is distant from her own granddaughter? Was it due to the accident with the accident of Daenerys and Aerys? Come on, they were kids! Were they ever close before? I liked it when Joan rejected the dragon and clung to the Warg, to her blood Stark wolf, I would like to see the faces of the older Targ, when Joan tells them that she rejects them that way, rejecting her dragon side in favor of Her wolf side, although we know that it will be temporary, because she is a dragon also that was demonstrated also.
I would like to see the continuation of your other story "another dragon, another wolf, another stag", and see how Jon (contrary to what everybody thinks). Accept his dragon side, and marry Rhaenys, since he is the only one Girl from that story that really loves him for what he is, even before he learned that he was his brother, even Jon's Dire-Wolf, Ghost, I accept it! That must mean something. And the older Targaryen in that story, they are not as idiots or jerks as in this one. Maybe even over time Jon also marries Daenerys in the other story, and then Jon, Rhaenys and Daenerys would be the three prophesied dragonheads of Rhaegar! I'm sorry, I'm imagining a lot, but whenever you see a story of that nature with the three of protagonists jejej ...
(For this, but I suppose it is just as people like Dorne over others.) I remind you that incestuous marriage has been given among noble houses of the north also, Even among the Stark. Marriages between cousins, and even marriages between close relatives, as between uncles and nephews, do not they believe me? Read again The Books or the Guide to Ice and Fire Song, World of Ice and Fire. And the "fanatics" will realize.
Without waiting for a new chapter of this story, and the other also clear, both are good and keeps me very entertained. Ignore the flames of others, because unless you want to be a professional writer or something, take this fun and write with pleasure based on your crazy ideas. Greetings and even a next chapter :)

Interesting story, I must say I was surprised on the whole journey that hard. I believed that in the end, Joan leaves the king's landing, and would go north, a Winterfell again. Although the end does not displease me, after all, the title clearly stated what the story proposed, the "emergence of a dragon." I was surprised how different are the characterizations of characters like Rhaegar, Elia and Raella here. Different to your other story "another dragon, another wolf, another stag", I suppose you wanted to create a contrast between both stories and see what reactions you could create, and let me tell you that you did very well.
And as always, reading the box of comments that leave you is a taste that I can not take away, it is more entertaining than reading the same story xD ...
So much anger and so many flames of rage, as if those who write, feel that they attacked his family or something, hehe ... I am amused, I thought this of the fanfics was to have a great time, reading stories that could not Pass in the canon. What do you read then? XD ...
If this story continues, I want to see how Raella, Rhaegar and Elia act now to gain their forgiveness, the brothers cost them a little, what will become of them? Also, I would like to see what relationship Joan wins with Daenerys, since we know that Jonerys is canon now, now in this universe where Jon was born woman? Mmm so delicious
I would also like to see you show more about Joan's relationship with the crazy king Aerys! More scenes! Ironic than the one for which in many stories, Jon fears him and almost hates his paternal grandfather, here instead he is the only member of his family who accepts and calls her dragon. Is ironic, but also cute and very sad at the same time.
I can understand that Elia "hates", something strange for being she of Dorne, where they should not hate the bastards, but here, Elia seems the replacement of Catelyn Stark of the canon. But what about Raella? Because she is distant from her own granddaughter? Was it due to the accident with the accident of Daenerys and Aerys? Come on, they were kids! Were they ever close before? I liked it when Joan rejected the dragon and clung to the Warg, to her blood Stark wolf, I would like to see the faces of the older Targ, when Joan tells them that she rejects them that way, rejecting her dragon side in favor of Her wolf side, although we know that it will be temporary, because she is a dragon also that was demonstrated also.
I would like to see the continuation of your other story "another dragon, another wolf, another stag", and see how Jon (contrary to what everybody thinks). Accept his dragon side, and marry Rhaenys, since he is the only one Girl from that story that really loves him for what he is, even before he learned that he was his brother, even Jon's Dire-Wolf, Ghost, I accept it! That must mean something. And the older Targaryen in that story, they are not as idiots or jerks as in this one. Maybe even over time Jon also marries Daenerys in the other story, and then Jon, Rhaenys and Daenerys would be the three prophesied dragonheads of Rhaegar! I'm sorry, I'm imagining a lot, but whenever you see a story of that nature with the three of protagonists jejej ...
(For this, but I suppose it is just as people like Dorne over others.) I remind you that incestuous marriage has been given among noble houses of the north also, Even among the Stark. Marriages between cousins, and even marriages between close relatives, as between uncles and nephews, do not they believe me? Read again The Books or the Guide to Ice and Fire Song, World of Ice and Fire. And the "fanatics" will realize.
Without waiting for a new chapter of this story, and the other also clear, both are good and keeps me very entertained. Ignore the flames of others, because unless you want to be a professional writer or something, take this fun and write with pleasure based on your crazy ideas. Greetings and even a next chapter :)
6/13/2017 c1 angelcat70
I enjoyed this... Joan's continued struggle for acceptance from her family and the way it shaped her. I also like how the title foreshadowed the ending... a dragon did emerge when Joan accepted her siblings, But the struggle is not over and I am very curious to see if Rhaegar and Joan will ever have a father/daughter relationship. I can also see even though Joan got in touch with Targaryen roots with her siblings LOL she will always be the "outsider" which fits her character - her life experiences have shaped her and no amount of booty time with her sibs are going to change the core of who she is. - I totally loved the way you included Aerys too and how he called her the real dragon - perfect! I read a lot of negative criticism for the way you ended this chapter but I think it fit the story you are trying to tell perfectly...great job!
I enjoyed this... Joan's continued struggle for acceptance from her family and the way it shaped her. I also like how the title foreshadowed the ending... a dragon did emerge when Joan accepted her siblings, But the struggle is not over and I am very curious to see if Rhaegar and Joan will ever have a father/daughter relationship. I can also see even though Joan got in touch with Targaryen roots with her siblings LOL she will always be the "outsider" which fits her character - her life experiences have shaped her and no amount of booty time with her sibs are going to change the core of who she is. - I totally loved the way you included Aerys too and how he called her the real dragon - perfect! I read a lot of negative criticism for the way you ended this chapter but I think it fit the story you are trying to tell perfectly...great job!