Just In
for The Broken Locket

3/21/2016 c16 84Inudaughter Returns
3/21/2016 c15 Inudaughter Returns
3/21/2016 c11 Inudaughter Returns
wow, her angels have problems
3/21/2016 c10 Inudaughter Returns
Aw, bliss. This chapter amuses me so. I wish I had a picture of Arnold's face just now.
3/21/2016 c7 Inudaughter Returns
Aww, Helga is so sweet in her own brutal way.
3/21/2016 c5 Inudaughter Returns
i loved it. so real.
3/21/2016 c3 Inudaughter Returns
3/21/2016 c1 Inudaughter Returns
9/19/2015 c24 11Raven-Rachel-Roth
I've read an admired your work before, but this surpasses all the others. I'm simply in love with this story. Absolutely fantastic Carl. Continue!
7/26/2015 c24 Haibara
I'm so glad that I was able to read this. Even if another chapter is added, this story has added so much to my liking of and understanding of how things might progress in the Hey Arnold universe. Thanks for taking so much care with this story over the years.

Hope that you're still a fan. Best to you!
5/29/2015 c24 4Jajuin
Amazing. That's all I can say about this fic. It's really good! I hope you can continue this story, and I'll be happy to read the next installment when you put it up!
3/30/2015 c24 EthanT
If there is anything we can do to see this story through, please let us know.
3/13/2015 c24 Darko SH
I don't know if you're still around, but this has been great reading. I've always wanted a bit more closure with Hey Arnold! I think you did a great job of capturing the characters and the spirit of the cartoon. I wish I could see the end of your story.
2/19/2015 c24 Guest
finish it up i love it so far wait are you done?
2/16/2015 c1 EmDork
This is one of best fanfic's I've read; the characters stayed so true to the original show! But no ending?! That's as disappointing as Nickelodeon axing the Jungle Movie!
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