Just In
for The legal intern

11/17/2020 c66 MstgSzy
I have enjoyed this story very much. Your original character, Lily, feels as though she could have been one of the series recurring stars. Thanks for hanging in there to bring this story to it's conclusion. I look forward to your planned Part II.
4/19/2020 c65 Platinum Blondie
I found this story the other day and began reading. I really enjoyed it, good characterisations, links to events in the show and a good story line. Looking forward to reading more about Lilly.
2/27/2020 c65 47mphs95
Nice chapter. I think if you end it here it would be good but it depends on how you feel. If you think you have more story to be told, then do what you need to do.
1/29/2020 c63 jsboneslover
I like the way you laid this out! Buying the Mighty Hut and then getting pregnant. Gives Booth a little more time for the renovation!
1/29/2020 c63 kareneb
Great chapter. You wrote a good chapter. It sounded like what the writers would have written.
12/19/2019 c61 mphs95
A jealous Booth is a cute Booth.
11/27/2019 c60 kareneb
Hey good chapter..a lot of fun.
11/12/2019 c59 mphs95
I'm glad Booth and Brennan got the house.
11/3/2019 c58 jsboneslover
Of all of the interns, Wendell is the most likely candidate for the FBI because of his breadth of knowledge, which he doesn't flaunt like the others, who are too academic to survive at the FBI.
10/23/2019 c58 kareneb
Interesting chapter. I am not sure I like the direction you are taking this story though. It is making me nervous.
9/23/2019 c55 mphs95
Men and the spa can be a bad mix. Glad he enjoyed it.
9/21/2019 c55 kareneb
Good chapter but now I want the next chapter. You seem to be coming up with a good story. It is one on a topic I haven't seen before. I usually like to finish a story..I think there may be one story I didn't finish in my life that I can think of other than fan fictions not finished! Now I am getting anxious for the next chapter...
9/15/2019 c54 kareneb
This is an interesting chapter. If that part of this story that almost made me stop reading it is coming up I will stop reading it...
9/15/2019 c54 mphs95
Wendell is off on a new adventure.
9/7/2019 c53 kareneb
This is an interesting chapter!
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