Just In
for Junior Rodeo

7/29/2017 c1 PD
Now that was interesting :) I love the Shenny subtext - it was really well done! It would be awesome if you could continue with this but it is still nice as a one-shot. I really enjoy your writing style - you are really very impressive and the characters definitely seemed like themselves. I love reading Shenny fan fiction but I'm not good at writing it so I really enjoy a nice story like this :D Thank you for writing this :)
7/1/2017 c1 Guest
Prt 2 of my review.
If anyone is up to the task, it's Darkly Dreaming. Sorry my review was so long.
7/1/2017 c1 Guest
I know you probably wanted to do something a little different, yet keep Shenny in some form, even if not in the form of romance, which is great. I like that idea. However, I passed on this one because I'm not a fan of George Cooper. Normally,I like Darkly Dreaming's fics. I just couldn't bring myself to read a story that features George Jr. I know, Darkly Dreaming will likely make her version of him a good guy, because he's slated to be with Penny, but I just can't picture him any other way except how cannon Sheldon describes him, as a jerk. We need more romantic Shenny, and friendship Shenny for that matter; there's been a dearth of Shenny fics lately. True, the show hasn't inspired Shenny fics in a while, but if anyone is up to the task,it
7/3/2017 c1 vickib78
Cool story bro. But really I've never seen this kind of story before and I really like it. So thanks for writing and keep it up
6/30/2017 c1 17Her Royal Goddess
Is that a bit of green eyed Sheldon appearing? Great story, there is definite room for more. Xx
6/29/2017 c1 nertooold54
Love the ending.
6/25/2017 c1 ShennyFan54
Love it! I look forward to seeing where this goes if you decide to continue it.
6/26/2017 c1 dreamer 3097
This is good
6/25/2017 c1 2Ninjela
Good to see you out here DD!
Thanks for the story. It was awesome-even if we didn't get a Shenny (I'm glad she still snagged a Cooper!)
Shenny Fan will have to be thanked for the mojo to get this out!

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