Just In
for Ginny's Valentine

5/3/2006 c2 P. Cythera
Please write a sequel! :) i really love when people add new characters :) it makes everything so much more interesting and i just love romance and humor, hehehehe anywayz write more soon and keep up the good work :)
5/9/2003 c1 canvaskite
really cool story...can't wait for the sequels
3/29/2003 c1 Tempest in a Teacup
whoa, freaky, but good, so very good
3/5/2003 c2 4SAngel
i can't wait to see what will happen!
3/3/2003 c2 2Vie
aww please write more soon (the sequels)-i loved it! and-when/if you do put the sequels in.please email me (its ok if you don't just if you want to /have time to)

this was Such a cute story-and draco's a twin? that's awesome :)
3/2/2003 c1 Eleoopy
Surely you dont think its finish right? there is so much you can write about for this story! Write a sequel, its going to be fun, I mean i am very interested since when ginny like draco (while her brother try to keep her out from any guys.) and why lucie comes back.

keep writing!
3/1/2003 c1 147Crystal Snowflakes
That's a great story.but, completed? I mean, no more knowing about that Regina Snape girl? Bah!

Great still =\
3/1/2003 c1 1Rockmytoesoff
Very interesting! You are a good writer, I'm impressed. Update soon!
3/1/2003 c1 Slytherins Kitten
OOH! Write more soon please!
3/1/2003 c1 4SelenityPotter
FANTABULOUS! Please tell me that it is not finished there! You could go so many places with and ending like that! Please, please, please, please write more soon!
3/1/2003 c1 19Luinthoron
Beautiful! *smiles* Thanks for another nice story!

Marek aka Luinthoron
3/1/2003 c1 232Liebling
I wish this would've come out nearer to Valentine's Day! Well, hey, I like it either way. The fight was funny, hitting Snape ouch! Anyway, see-ya, and write more =)
3/1/2003 c1 1NekoBerry
I really, really liked this fic. It was extremely sweet and very well written! You did a fanbloodytastic work! You have all of my praise!

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