Just In
for A New Start

6/26/2019 c4 TigrezzTail
Well, that went by surprisingly fast. Interesting to see Sasuke being the one desperately trying to hold onto a bond with Naruto. Hopefully they'll get the alliance they need out of Wave much easier now.
6/26/2019 c4 1111segasonic
Huh, it's alive. Neat
2/1/2019 c3 2Saint Agustine
8/8/2018 c3 TigrezzTail
I do like how Yagura returned Kakashi. He could have just as easily crushed him to a pulp and sent the remains out to sea, never to be seen again. And that is certainly an interesting choice as a jounin instructor for them.
7/18/2018 c1 4Kuriboh Girl
I love this fic. Can't wait until the next chapter!
7/18/2018 c3 Levin Kluge
I like your story really much and i'm really looking forward to the next chapter
7/18/2018 c3 thor94
interesting chapter.
So, look sarutobi is manipulating the students and likely prepare for war to obtain naruto back (even if we know that yagura won't attack first and konoha doesn't deserve naruto).
Also hope naruto will found about yagura true rank soon.
10/9/2017 c2 21Xynovitch
This fic is absolutely gorgeous in its execution, and despite Yagura being a Jinchuriki that's well treated, he still manages to connect with such a, I quote Isobu, "Solitary Person." Now I don't usually review stories until their ends, but the fact that this caught my eye in how meticulously crafted this fic is, I think even surpassing some of the greats, such as Drifting or Fuujinroku( one of the highest praises I can give to a fic.).

I really hope that you manage to make it more interesting some chapters down the line. This review is still too early but I can already see the potential this fic has for, not only drama, but actual world building and politics.
10/6/2017 c2 5Umbra Gami
An absolutely wonderfully beautiful story written in a brilliant manner. You've really brought these characters into the light and made them shine.
I cannot wait to see how you take this forward. Good look in the future.
10/5/2017 c2 TigrezzTail
Oh I'm really captivated by this curse. I was caught up that I cursed when I realized I had his the end of the chapter!
10/3/2017 c2 18Toshiro of the Eternal Dream
Great update and I love the quick Water Dragon Jutsu with ease, it was fantastic. I look forward to more and keep up the good work.
10/3/2017 c2 Astheranum
Poor Kakashi!. Continuation!.
8/24/2017 c1 Toshiro of the Eternal Dream
I like this beginning. It has great start and you can take this futher.
8/20/2017 c1 Pein-Naru sounds interesting so far. This is like my first time reading something that involves Yagura like this, so...I've read very few Yagura books, so I hope you continue. Can't wait for future updates!
6/30/2017 c1 Moikan Yoloko
Ok, this is pure undiluted gold. I sincerely hope this continues. And also sincerely hope there are no actual pairings.
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