Just In
for Humanity's Children

8/6/2021 c3 20Zaru
Must say. Definitely like this over the other story. Gets right to the meat of things.
7/28/2021 c5 Guest
Shame this is dead.
7/17/2021 c5 DemDazer
I have already forgot what this story is about, and it has long been dead. So I'll just delete this from Follow
6/14/2019 c5 Earl of Jubilation
It would be great to post the rest of the chapters from sb and sv to here.
1/5/2019 c5 10Junior VB
No está mal.
Not bad.
1/5/2019 c1 Junior VB
Interesante idea.
Interesting idea.
10/11/2018 c5 1IZINA015
So far it seems like a really good story. The premise is interesting, structure is good and I haven't seen any grammatical mistakes. All in all a great start for a long ride. I'll be waiting for more!
10/3/2018 c5 10Dim95
you could do a pairing with 4s and A2
9/19/2018 c1 Dim95
Could you update the story, please? Also, you could make a romantic relationship with 9S and 2B, it would be very interesting for an android to become pregnant.
5/20/2018 c5 Reasonable man
Very interesting fic. I will keep following it. I hope you will be updating soon.
4/13/2018 c5 Blinded in a bolthole
Before the Geth and before the Krogans start going on a rampage. Hmm... this changes the Council's and the galaxy's reaction to the Children of Humanity.
4/13/2018 c4 Blinded in a bolthole
Thule of Blood Ravens? Are they also kleptomaniacs?
3/21/2018 c5 1amerdism
Awesome story, when's the next chapter going up, I hope to see more soon.
11/15/2017 c5 5Spartastic 4
Please don mot drop this. This is a vwey intereting tale
10/25/2017 c5 34Jeremy Harper
This is a very good story, and I hope you get the chance to continue this. I like the world-building you've put into the post-14th Machine War Earth very much, and I'm very interested in seeing how things play out between YoRHa, the krogans, and the Citadel STG team.
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