Just In
for Whiskey Contract

1/10/2023 c10 Redhorseman25
4 years since last update? This is abandoned.
2/17/2022 c7 XXX777
That's gonna be a recurring thing in this fic isn't it?
10/17/2021 c10 Sargus13666
If your still working on this i would suggest a meeting with Dumbldor and Sirius as well as married quarters at Hogwarts
10/14/2021 c6 BayerClan
Hope u update soon
2/10/2021 c10 Guest
Hoping for it to continue!
1/27/2021 c10 DAISY2024
Update soon please
11/11/2020 c8 Guest
Way to many women that the entire story was a waste of time reading
10/23/2020 c10 9Frost Merry Darkness Luver
So is this before third year?
9/26/2020 c10 Tsarina Alya Black
PLEASEEEE update... this was fun to read
9/11/2020 c10 wolfgang108
You need a new beta. Spelling issues every where. Nymphadora would also be included as she is the daughter of a Black by birth (Andi's aunt) unless she is no longer a virgin at this point. Did I miss how Narcissa got out of her first marriage? After a year I do hope you return to this, but not likely.
7/23/2020 c10 Guest
Great job i would like to see susan and nymphadora’s reactions, also maybe his friends’ reactions and what the third year would look like with his wives being brought in with him and in marriage quarters at hogwarts
5/11/2020 c10 12mackiechandler
Nice story. You made me laugh.
5/11/2020 c7 mackiechandler
You made me smile reading this. Since I'm at work, my coworkers are suspicious.
12/18/2019 c9 PGHammer
This is not the ONLY fanfiction where Harry marries - literally - into the Goblin Nation - just the second-earliest AGE at which he does so. (Both are Harry Potter and multple-witch; however, neither includes Andromeda.)
12/3/2019 c10 PGHammer
I'm curious as to how you are going to handle Susan getting extra mothers - including one that's a goblin. The groom is going to be a shocker, too - a classmate at that. (Still, that is nothing compared to what will happen next year at Hogwarts - remember, THIS Harry will be putting mental nose to mental grindstone - so will Susan, more likely than not; how badly will Hermione - not to mention the Ravenclaws - find themselves blown into the weeds?) Why am I thinking in terms of that? Something that Bellatrix said about not marrying an idiot.
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