Just In
for The darker side of the world

7/30/2017 c1 45The DarkCat
Nice story poor Ritsuka but om the other hand how can he escape this tyrony even Soubi acnt help
This what means a name decides your fate
7/7/2017 c1 promocat
almost too dark!
7/6/2017 c1 Soubi's Beloved
Poor Ritsuka... But, that's right, they are Loveless. My poor dear Soubi!
This fic remembered me to one of my favorite songs... "Why should I love when I can have fun... with my Ladyboy"
7/5/2017 c1 145Dlbn
How dark indeed. But I can see Ritsuka giving into someome like the Fighter after being held captive without Soubi's influence. I'm glad Soubi at least tried to help. Poor Ritsuka.


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