Just In
for Splintered Dimension

4/27/2018 c20 5HushDon'tLetThemHearYou
This is the downfall. This is point where Poppy has completely and utterly snapped. Both of the twins are in the wrong. She needs help, she clearly needs help but she won't go to anyone, she won't talk to anyone, she is pushing everything away and this is the mess she is left with. I don't know whats going to happen now. Harry just said something unforgivable to her and her relationship with Hermione, Harry, her parents and everyone is so messed up. How could Harry even believe that of her?

This is going to blow up at Hogwarts, I know it. When everything comes out, I can only hope someone is there for her.
4/27/2018 c20 Guest
I vote Poppy and Draco
4/25/2018 c20 Big Fan
I like this :) you've done a great take on them. I like how strong Poppy is. Draco seems to have fallen off the planet thought.
4/20/2018 c20 Guest
Hope you update soon! I love this story! I constantly check for updates! I feel like Cedric needs a use since he survived fourth year but I think she needs someone more protective of her. I cant wait to find out who 'papa' is! Please update everyday, all day ;)
4/14/2018 c1 Gilyflower
this is amazing and I cant wait for more. but what I'm counting on in something to happen with malfoy sense we've heard nothing from him sense she kissed and and shoved blood in his mouth, sounds like her family issues and his family issues for the school year would go hand in hand...hopefully in a good way lol
4/12/2018 c20 Guest
loved it!
such a fantastic , well written chapter. Msn I feel so sorry for Poppy. It seems like everyone is just accepting everything and going with the flow, like her world hadn't been flipped.

Is she going to tell Sirius she knew his brother?
4/7/2018 c20 jafcbutterfly
I feel so bad for poppy (, I hope everything will be ok again and I like her to be a partner with Cedric Diggory ..

please update more and soon D
4/6/2018 c20 LaHarpie
Please please please get rid of Ginny SOOOOOON ! I hate her so much !
As for Hermione, I think it's time for Poppy to have a more accepting friend like Luna. It would make Hermione realise her mistakes when she will see that Ginny is so different from her and a selfish spoilt little girl. As for Harry, he better get over himself soon.
It would be quite ironical if the only one to side with Poppy was Ron seeing as he is Ginny's brother. as well a the twins of course.
As for pairing, I don't think Sirius would be a good choice. She compares him to much to Regulus. Maybe the twins ? Or a slytherin (Zabini ?) ? Someone a bit jaded and protective but not overprotective ? An OC could be a great compromise. As of now, I don't see anyone suited for her.
If you could resolve the tension between harry and poppy in the next chapter AND out Ginny as the bitch she is i would LOVE you SO MUCH !
Please post soon !
4/4/2018 c20 owlzilla
So, it would be easier to name the people in this fic that I'm NOT mad at. I would happily light half of the people on fire (Ginny first, and I was surprised to add Harry to the flames after this chapter). Every time I read through it so I can address it all in more detail I get so filled with rage I have to stop before I had some kind of anger induced breakdown. They are either selfish or see the world in entirely black and white or their thinking is so turned around and confusing it makes them seem literally insane. All I can say is I hope you confront them all with just how twisted up and wrong they are and then make them suffer.

Also, I want Poppy to just be like, screw these people and this stupid magical community and just leave and go somewhere she can be happy. Everyone is constantly letting her down - it is exhausting.

But if I were voting on the pairing I would want her with Sirius. It would be unusual in the real world but this is the magical community - they live longer so they would view age differences differently, and the age of majority is 17. Generally the twins are favorites of mine but they aren't enough of a presence in this fic for me to vote for one or both of them.
4/4/2018 c20 lavandersblue
I think none of the canon characters that at same age as her is mature enough for her I think you should add an Oc or use one of the charecters that they dont mention much in the books that way you can add them a past full of pain and all angsty stuff.
I hate harry right now for what he had done to poppy and betraying her like I mean he choosed a girl over his own sister .
I am angery to james and lily as well for they didnt care about poppy at all and started to do things that they liked they didnt even asked what she likes or not they just assumed that she was just like them regardless of the fact that she never spended time with them in her life !
4/4/2018 c20 kagewolf25
I really want poppy to be neutral as the poor girls suffered so much I also think it would be realistic if she completely ignored harry Hermione and the rest of the potters, as no one seems willing or is even trying to see anything from her point of view. As for a pairing Blaize Zabini hope I spelt that right cause if they got together they could go to Italy to get away from everything after the war. Please update soon your awesome
4/3/2018 c20 Crazy Devil Girl
I just found this story and I fucking love it so much. I love Poppy’s character she isn’t perfect and doesn’t have all the answers but she’s trying to figure shit out. I can’t wait to find out who her “papa” is also. There’s so much stuff that I can’t wait to see, so I can’t wait till the next chapter.

I would also love to see her get with someone from Slytherin.
4/3/2018 c20 1gia1113
Oh my goodness. This chapter was amazing. Something I've realized from your writing is that good writing is when a reader feels with a character. Like I felt all of poppys emotions it was very surreal. Thank you so much for writing I can't wait for the next chapter this is one of my favorite fanfictions. I was also thinking maybe for a love interest there could be Sirius. I don't know why I just feel like there could be a lot of potential in that.
4/2/2018 c20 5RyuuFuyuScarlet
im not at all a bashing type person although i do enjoy a lkttle bit of bashing here and there but this story really wants me to start bashing ginny, im really looking forward to what happens next and my thoughts will go out for Poppy hopfully harry will learn to accept poppys reasons and learn how ginnys being such ah bloodyhope to read more. now im gona read chapter 1 again =3
4/1/2018 c20 ajiam
I totally loved this chapter. Can't wait for the next update. I can't help but wonder if (Harry aside) Poppy wishes Regulus had come back instead. I wonder how everyone will react to Poppy's full backstory. As far as a romantic interest, Poppy definitely needs a strong person who can stand up for themself and Poppy. Basically, not Draco or any of the Weasley boys (unless something about their characters majorly changes). You're definitely keeping me on the edge of my seat.
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