Just In
for Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Academy of Chaos

10/28/2019 c13 Guest
Please update this story
2/3/2019 c1 3CeleneTheAngel
Well...Everything is not like I expected, it's all mixed up and Yuzu isn't Yuzu and is Jaden, Yuya is Sho/Syrus and...*Is struggling to comprehend* And Yusei and Rio... And Gx...

SO I am confused and bewildered as F*ck, but in a good way. An accurate analogy would be that I have been hooked and gotten myself thoroughly tangled in a net, and I don't know how I am going to free myself.

In other words, Amazing job! I am really looking forward to the rest of this!
12/28/2017 c1 mekyaku
Hello, firstly i would say this fanfic was very interesting but if you want start over im sure it will be greater. Also like i said to your vrains fanfiction, i have an oc synchro/pendulum monster , if you accept oc, let me now so i can write its appearance and effects. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
12/13/2017 c27 Meemo
I don't really mind you starting this over again because it'll allow for a more finished product. I can't wait until the redux starts!
12/12/2017 c27 queen of light
Hey, author , great seeing you again, sorry i didn't review, I've been having problems with cleaning and homework, anyways, I've been reading this whole story,and its alright I understand if you have to do some redoing on this, I don't mind, as long as I get to read more of this,or the other different story, either way, well here's my questions, are yuya and yuto going to merge together like yuzuki and ruri did?, so that way yuya can summon odd-eyes rebellion dragon, if yuya and yuto will meet each other? and is there going to be some other characters in this too?, and if reiji gather up some lancers, and are they going to go in different dimensions too?,,

well sure I hope so, but thanks for your great work!, and I hope to see you again soon enough, for now take care!, :3
12/11/2017 c26 Guest
Update soon please!
11/29/2017 c21 2Ethan Kironus
Why didn't Rio use Blizzard Falcon's effect?
11/28/2017 c20 Ethan Kironus
11/28/2017 c19 Ethan Kironus
11/27/2017 c13 Ethan Kironus
Okay. You're twisting what happened in the anime in so many ways... I LOVE IT!
11/25/2017 c26 Guest
I fear Shun will witness Yuzuki summon his sisters ace card against the enemy. Still show Yuto soon. At least let him find out that Ruri and Yuzuki became one.
11/25/2017 c26 Meemo
This was another great chapter. This fic to some people might just seem like a Zexal with different characters but I feel that you've made this story different enough to the point where I won't think that so I give you my respects for that. Im excited to see the duel which will take place next chapter so I can't wait. Keep up the good work and I can't wait until the next one!
11/26/2017 c11 Ethan Kironus
Very good story. And probably too much of a certain anime called Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds...
11/25/2017 c10 61elfqueen13
XYZ Trio! XYZ Trio! XYZ Trio!
Happy to see my favourites! Love how you've integrated their side of the story. And the Arcadia movement? It seems everyone's problems will be solved at the same time, and when they are. . .
11/25/2017 c9 elfqueen13
FABULOUS story so far! Love what you've done with the story and characters, can't wait to see where it goes.

Three things, Yusei said? I WONDER why that would be :P
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