Just In
for The Hanging Garden of the West

8/2/2017 c2 1kat1017
have Kushina find out that she was wrong and fall into extreme depression
7/30/2017 c3 Fox
Add mito/ naruto a sister to the group for the pairing along with fem nine tails and I would say either fu or caster/ or rider or saber also fem haku

But definitely mito
8/1/2017 c3 Akshka
Very nice please make more
7/29/2017 c2 Olivium
I really like the way the story is going, but in Naruto's flashback, you had him at seven with the second paragraph saying that three years passed since he met Kurumi, yet he's only eight during the actual chapter.

Beyond that, the chapter was very good, but I was wondering if Mito would form romantic feelings or an intense amount of guilt during Naruto's absence after Tsunade comes back from her "vacation" and informs Minato about the vague hints Naruto gave of Kushina threatening to hurt Mito if he ever gave Minato any hint of his abuse. Though Minato is consider a genius, I'm sure that in such an emotional state he'll forget to set up a silencing seal and Mito will hear her parents yelling.
7/29/2017 c2 Guest
Make minato know what happend all those years of kushinas and the village treatmeant of naruto so he can punish them and divorce kushina to take custody of his daughter, and mito hate kushina for what she has done.
7/31/2017 c3 Banjo the Fox
Poll for the harem, correct? I believe Isaribi should be added to it. No one ever remembers her or adds her to Naruto's love list despite how much they have in common with each other.
7/31/2017 c2 Banjo the Fox
Knew it, typical cliche's were not left alone... Despite that and the several grammatical errors I still found this to be a rather unique and enjoyable read.
7/31/2017 c1 Banjo the Fox
Odd, not sure where the review I made for this first chapter disappeared too, but I will review again. This was an excellently done first chapter! I seriously hope to see the typical cliche's for this type of plot left alone, but I won't count on it. I hope to see Naruto destroy his ancestor and Minato!
7/29/2017 c2 Nick
How about Arturia Pendragon aka Saber in his harem and someone in Naruto's world
7/31/2017 c2 bladetri
like XD
7/29/2017 c2 naruto
great chapter keep it up and could you please not have naruto gain any scars from this beating or the others plus hopefully naruto will not forgive the village. not flame or bash
7/31/2017 c1 visioning.goblin
while I wasn't a fan of the rape scene in chapter 2 I am finding this story to be very well written and would like to see it continued
7/28/2017 c2 UR
I almost closed the tab when i saw the homosexual "almost-rape scene" that involves a boy around 8 bleeding and all with a 20 something guy who caused said injuries... and i'm confused why would some fics mentioned rape for their male main character with the reason being to make him stronger. Is there no any other way? Are you too uncreative and found no other reason to make him stronger? For example being physically abused and threatened are enough to drive someone to do something to fix that circumstances and the scene itself was also disturbing for some people. I'll try to continue reading this story cuz Naruto having Gil's power is one of my favorite thing with Naru/femkyuu being one of my favorite pairings.
7/28/2017 c2 Guest
Impressive chapter I can't wait for the next
7/28/2017 c2 Guest
put ahri in the pairing please
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